Recent content by DancingLady

  1. DancingLady

    Domestic disturbance calls

    Choosing not to press charges doesn't necessarily mean the victim does not want to help themselves. The fact that someone called the police might get their attention that they need to separate from their abuser. You can choose to protect yourself by leaving and getting to a safe place but still...
  2. DancingLady

    Are the Police finally listening?

    I'm not saying that all the cops are bad and use brutality, or even that there are huge numbers of them, but the problem I see is that the police seem to rarely be held accountable when an officer does something totally out of line. The police appear to be a brotherhood that protects their own...
  3. DancingLady

    The Baltimore Crisis

    I think it is because people are genuinely fed up with the injustice going on in the police departments around the country. Not that all cops are bad, but there are enough of them that there is a huge distrust between the African American community and white officers. People are fed up with it...
  4. DancingLady

    Keeping yourself safe in your home

    There are a number of home security systems that you can get where if the alarm is set off, the company automatically calls you to make sure everything is OK, if it isn't they will call the police immediately, or if there is no answer they will call the police to check on the property.
  5. DancingLady

    What Would Make a Criminal Want To Go Back To Jail?

    If a person has no prospects for employment upon release, they will end up on the streets if they do not have a family member willing to house them. Someone who has been in and out of jail a few times may easily have given up hope of having anything but a homeless life, the stress of trying to...
  6. DancingLady

    Hello from a correctional officers wife!

    So good to see you here. We really need more people on this board like yourself who have experiential knowledge of law enforcement and corrections. I look forward to hearing your insights.
  7. DancingLady

    How Do You Deal With Mentally Ill People?

    That does happen all too often because of poor training I think. There are some really good methods for neutralizing aggressions without using aggression against the person. Police really need to be trained in these techniques. It could save lives and prevent injury to both mentally ill people...
  8. DancingLady

    Brawl on the Beach (Mother's Day at Revere Beach, MA)

    That's nuts. I don't know why people start or join fights like that, but selfishness probably has a lot to do with it, as well as alcohol. I doubt many of those involved were very sober.
  9. DancingLady

    Anonymous tip lines

    If you are really concerned about your anonymity, you might want to call from another location besides your own home. If the reason you would be found is because so few people could have seen, then it probably won't make any difference if your report is anonymous or not.
  10. DancingLady

    Weapons in the home and laws

    Infiniti know of any laws here that would restrict you from owning a bat. Baseball is pretty big in my town, the HS field is right across from me. As far as I understand, in the event of a home invasion, you have the right to use anything you have to defend yourself and your family, be that...
  11. DancingLady

    Domestic disturbance calls

    When someone calls the police on their neighbors, how often is there an actual situation where intervention was needed? Is it fairly common for these calls to be well meaning neighbors who misunderstood what they were hearing?
  12. DancingLady

    Local crime rates

    That's really too bad. I work with several Hispanic people who are good workers and legal residents. It's so unfortunate how responsible people like my coworkers get treated a certain way by some people because of the crimes illegal immigrants have done.
  13. DancingLady

    shooting of police officers, this one in Mississippi.

    I don't think it's really related, though you could say they were possibly influenced by those events. It's impossible to know what is in people's minds. It does play into the bigger issue of the lack of respect that goes both ways.
  14. DancingLady

    Jurisdiction Question about Hackers

    Start by contacting your local police and explain what happened. They will know if they have jurisdiction of if you have to file with the city in which the hackers live.
  15. DancingLady

    Witnessing excessive force

    As an officer, have you ever witnessed another officer use excessive force in an arrest? What did you do about it, or what would you do about it if it happened in the future?!