Recent content by kevincox78

  1. K


    I do like it, in my experience it's an excellent way to get fit or stay fit.
  2. K

    fail out of the academy

    What part of the police academy is the most likely to fail somebody out of the academy?
  3. K

    I'm looking for a few suggestions on a pre-workout supplement

    Hello guys. I'm looking for a few suggestions on a pre-workout supplement.
  4. K

    Does anybody on here have any experience with the NCJOSI?

    Does anybody on here have any experience with the NCJOSI? Searching for study guides.
  5. K

    a law against cyberbullying

    Hi, I live in Connecticut and wanted to know, does my state have a law against cyberbullying?
  6. K

    Where can I buy pepper spray?

    My wife is starting a new job and she has to take the train into the city. Where can I buy pepper spray?
  7. K

    What is the salary for a police officer in Ohio?

    What is the salary for a police officer in Ohio? How often do you get a pay raise?
  8. K

    What happens when you got to court and you can't afford to pay the ticket?

    What happens when you got to court and you can't afford to pay the ticket? Do they have a payment plan, do you get locked up?
  9. K

    freedom act of information

    I have been DQ from an agency five times with in the last five years. The first time I made it all the way to the Chiefs oral. After that I get DQ in the background process. I was advised by someone to obtain a freedom act of information form to find out why i keep getting DQ. can somebody point...
  10. K

    Am I really ok?

    Last night I had been drinking and was being a bit of a dumbass. I started talking to these two cops. I was arrested for underage drinking. I'm 20 years old, and I wanted try an become a police officer in next couple of years. Will I be ok?
  11. K

    If you take ecstasy

    If you take ecstasy and then you want to go to the ER, will they call the cops on you. Can you be arrested?
  12. K

    Can we get in trouble with the police?

    Today my friend and I ding dong ditched this guys house and he ran after us. He kept on screaming he was going to call the cops. Can we be arrested?
  13. K

    Decline Push Ups Body Weight

    Do you have an idea of how much of your bodyweight you are pushing when doing decline pushups? Everything I have read is that normal pushups is somewhere between 65-75%.