Recent content by Trickster

  1. Trickster

    Would you travel around space if you had the chance?

    Only if I had traveled and experienced the world beforehand. Considering that's pretty impossible, my answer is more of a 'no' than 'yes'. But who knows, maybe one day...
  2. Trickster

    why do most people like dogs more than cats?

    Dogs: - protect you - loves playing with you - useful pets - loyal - they listen - etc. Cats - scratches you - lazy as hell - doesn't listen - etc. As simple as that. BTW, don't think I'm a cat hater. I personally have both a cat and a dog!
  3. Trickster

    Do You Think Gun Cams Should Be Mandated?

    I remember that there was a test where police officers got cameras installed on their uniforms, I believe. The amount of police brutality lowered down significantly! It would be a great way to get rid of all the lousy cops who are making cops look bad and evil. And also, maybe the most...
  4. Trickster

    Protein Shakes

    I eat a lot of protein daily (chicken, eggs...) so I don't drink shakes on a daily basis, but I sometimes do it as a pre/post workout meal. But now there are many, many types of them and I don't know which one to use. Anyone has any recommendations that they've personally tried?
  5. Trickster

    Couch to 5k

    bala, it's all explained here - The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan | C25K Mobile App There's even a mobile app, great thing! If you're looking to start a healthier lifestyle, C25K is definitely a great start. If you start, have a look at Couch to 5K as well.
  6. Trickster

    I am so pumped and ready to go!

    Well being motivated plays a big part in your performance. Not just in the Academy, but all over in your life. Now combine that motivation with a good prep, and you are deemed to succeed. Good luck, amigo!
  7. Trickster

    Police chief mistakes daughter, 16, for intruder and shoots her

    Woah, what a terrible thing to happen. It's just a reminder why and how we should always think before doing. And that mistakes happen, no matter how prepared you are. I'm glad that the girl is okay.
  8. Trickster

    So, if you won the lottery would you continue to work?

    Yes, because I enjoy my work and it makes me feel like I'm actually contributing to the society. But I would probably take some of that money to make it easier - maybe hire someone to help me or get some programs to automate some of the tasks. But first I'd had a blast in Vegas! :D
  9. Trickster

    Couch to 5k

    I've heard good things about it, but personally I've never tried it. One of my friends is on it atm, but he's just starting, so he can't confirm the big change. But any activity is good, so go ahead and do it, if you can. Especially if the activity is written by a fitness trainer, like C25K is.
  10. Trickster

    Just Do It

    Well put, Lexi. Another advice - fitness is a long term thing! Don't go into it too hard and expect to see results tomorrow - it won't happen. But once you start reaping benefits, you'll love it, trust me. I've been watching my diet and working out since the beginning of this year (a...
  11. Trickster

    What was the worst thing about the Academy?

    Not sure about other countries, but here's it's the fear of not getting rejected, but not being good enough. A buddy of mine applied for 3 years in a row before he got in! The economical situation here is just cruel. And to be honest, being a cop around here isn't a dream job. The wage is...
  12. Trickster

    What do you think about law enforcement shows?

    Foreign shows are awesome, I often watch CSI and such shows. I enjoyed Flashpoint as well, but that one is leaning to the other side a bit - not strictly law enforcement related. But our own shows are ridiculous. They literally became something that everyone makes fun of! It's just giving a bad...
  13. Trickster

    Do you have a quota?

    Same as Gemma, they're required to do an x amount of searches on a weekly basis. Cops aren't that bad as everyone thinks. A bunch of my friends are like "they are always stopping me", which is not truth. And if it is, it's because you drive there 10x a day, so the odds are larger! But if you...
  14. Trickster


    Hello to everyone from Croatia! Just wanted to make a quick introduction as my first post, as you're supposed to do, right? So, hi everyone! I'm an 20 year old dude from Croatia. I'm not a police officer or anything like that, I just decided to learn the forum because I like learning new...