Search results

  1. M

    Would you support the teachers being licensed to carry a firearm in school?

    Would you support the teachers being licensed to carry a firearm in school?
  2. M

    When you are chasing

    What goes through your head when you are chasing a person down the highway at high speeds?
  3. M

    I am so pumped and ready to go!

    I start my first day in the Academy for my local Sheriffs department in July. I am so pumped and ready to go! Thanks for all the help so far, and I will keep you guys posted.
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    How hard was your the physical training

    How hard was your the physical training at your Police Academy and what kind of style was it? I was told the academy that I am going to attend is pretty hard, it's military influenced PT.
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    What's the hardest part of training to become a police officer?

    What's the hardest part of training to become a police officer?
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    Anybody try this, do you have any input on this supplement? There are some guys in the gym that are taking it, they did recommend it but I'm looking for some more input.
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    hello guys, I just wanted to know if the written test for Sheriff is same as for the Police? What is the best way to prepare myself to become a Sheriff?
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    I have a class a misdemeanor charge

    I have a class A misdemeanor charge in California arrest warrant, but I now live in Arizona. If I get stopped will they send me to back to California?
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    If I refuse to take a breathalyzer test could I lose my license?

    I have a quick question, If I refuse to take a breathalyzer test could I lose my license?
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    What is a LOI search

    I was wondering if anybody could tell what is an LOI search?
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    Any tips on how to freshen up the ballistic vest?

    How you guys doing tonight? Any tips on how to freshen up the ballistic vest?
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    police codes

    Do you still use police codes and signals?
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    What holster do you use for your duty firearm?

    What holster do you use for your duty firearm? Would you recommend it?
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    Child Custody Question

    I wanted to ask if a parent can break a child custody agreement if they believe the child is not safe? If a 10 year old was due to visit the father at his house and the dad has been unreliable in the past. The son tells the mom that the father hits him more than once. What would the consequences...
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    Did you ever have to use your taser on someone?

    Did you ever have to use your taser on someone?
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    What is the procedure to become a state park ranger?

    I live in California and was hoping someone can tell me what is the procedure to become a state park ranger? Thanks for reading.
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    Can your spouse's record effect you from becoming a police officer

    Can your spouse's record effect you from becoming a police officer? If they have three misdemeanors.
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    Is there any guides that will help me get through the oral interview

    Is there any guides that will help me get through the oral interview with the panel? I could use some tips.
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    What have learned about law enforcement

    What have learned about law enforcement, that wish you had known years ago?
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    New guy

    Just want to say hi to everyone on the forum before I post some questions that I have. Thanks for having me.