Search results

  1. shreklock

    USPS security breach

    Of course, but that doesn't mean that companies should give up on protecting themselves. They should invest more in IT, because without it world is rough.
  2. shreklock

    What's your favorite vacation destination?

    I enjoy going to the beach too, especially if the weather is hot. Laying and enjoying the warmth of sun is very relaxing for me, I often fall asleep.
  3. shreklock

    What is the best way to make popcorn?

    It depends on what kind of machinery you have at home. There are some popcorn makers, and they do pop the popcorn very tasty. Though in my opinion the microwave ones are just as good.
  4. shreklock

    Bones in your yard?

    I don't know if it counts, but my grandfather once found a rather big skull of some animal while he was hunting. Just the head, no body bones or something. Later he pulled the teeth out of the skull and made a necklace.
  5. shreklock

    NJ Woman Throws Baby/Self into Ocean

    I agree, there's no reason for the baby to suffer if the mother is mentally ill. It's good that the baby survived, hopefully he'll grow up to a smart citizen.
  6. shreklock

    Firecrackers Inside Walmart

    He didn't even try to come up with reasonable excuse. Did the security watch the footage to see if anyone even talked to him while he was in the store?
  7. shreklock

    Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

    Sadly, no. There aren't any shops around me that do Black Friday deals. If there was, I'd definitely go to pick up some cheap nick-nacks or electronics.
  8. shreklock

    What's the story behind YOUR username?

    I just though Shrek was nice, but later I got bored and started playing with the names. Sherlock has a similar sound like Shrek, so I combined them together.
  9. shreklock

    What helps you sleep at night?

    Having a reliable sleep cycle helps. I always try to go to sleep at the same time every day. I also sleep better in a cold room, so maybe chilling a room could help.
  10. shreklock

    Do you remember your dreams?

    Sometimes few minutes after waking up I wonder what the hell I was about. I think I don't even have nightmares anymore. Though it could be that I don't remember a thing about it after waking up.
  11. shreklock

    Security breaches: thousands of hacked security cameras are leaked online

    Is it consider hacking when the owners leave them open? It's exactly like leaving the door of house open hoping that no one would enter.
  12. shreklock

    Do you still go to the cinema? How often?

    I go to the cinema only if there's a premiere of a movie I really like. For me it's better to stay at home and watch movie in my room.
  13. shreklock

    Pepsi-flavored Cheetos

    What about cheetos flavored pepsi? It would go perfectly with these chips.
  14. shreklock

    Calls 911 for a Date

    It could be interference with the work of police, if there's even such a thing, but I'm not a policeman so I'm not sure.
  15. shreklock

    Man charged with DUI on shopping cart

    It's sad because most probably he won't change. This will be another fun story to tell to friends.
  16. shreklock

    Are you scared of police officers of your region?

    You shouldn't be afraid of police officer, they're there to help you, not to scare you. I don't actually know any policeman in my area, except my neighbor, but he moved away recently.
  17. shreklock

    Peace in the Middle East?

    The wars might be going for oil, so while there's some, the wars might not end. People are too greedy and will always try to get more rich than everyone around them, usually at any cost.
  18. shreklock

    What do you think of guys who hit on other people's girls?

    I think both me and my girlfriend would leave the club, because that guy might just ruined our mood. I don't believe my soul mate would answer to this guy and hit on him back, because I trust her and I think she wouldn't cheat on me.
  19. shreklock

    Wife tracks Cheating Husband--Bad results

    I believe she didn't react reasonably because she was in so much anger that her husband was cheating on her. People do act strange when they are out of their comfort zone.
  20. shreklock

    Stupid Robbers Call 911 on Self!

    Or you can be smarter and not bring a damn phone to a robbery. What did they think, their mom was going to call them in the middle of the crime?