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  1. flasurfrider

    What Exactly Is The Problem With Florida Residents?

    Crazy is crazy, no drugs needed but they can certainly add to the madness and in Florida we seem to have more than our fair share. It's not all bad and most can be mildly to highly entertaining and mostly harmless. When they do get out of control and dangerous, that is when we need the police...
  2. flasurfrider

    Do confidential informants ever get paid?

    I suppose cigarettes fall under the ATF's jurisdiction. I also reckon that someone setting up an illegal arms deal deserves some serious hazard pay. With the drug war, I am interested in how that goes with the CI web. Obviously reduced sentencing or no charges is a major incentive however I...
  3. flasurfrider

    What should I do if i get arrested but I'm not the one who commited the crime?

    Invoking your 5th Amendment Rights is always important when being arrested. Being arrested does not mean one looses their Bill of Rights and many do not realize that unless there is a warrant, a person still has 4th Amendment rights too. I admit that most will incriminate themselves even more...
  4. flasurfrider

    Do confidential informants ever get paid?

    I was riding public transportation the other day which often makes for some interesting conversations. There was a women who claimed when she was underage her mom and an undercover cop would have her go into stores and buy cigarettes and she would get $40 every time a store sold her a pack...
  5. flasurfrider

    What Exactly Is The Problem With Florida Residents?

    I am from Florida and do not have an answer. It seems we have a bit of everything down here. It almost seems like some of the craziest get stuck or flee here but the reality is it is not that bad, especially on the beaches and inside of Disney World. It also should be noted that each part of...
  6. flasurfrider

    What should I do if i get arrested but I'm not the one who commited the crime?

    I do not agree with hiring a lawyer right away unless you just so happen to have one on staff or a friend who so happens to be a lawyer. More often than not, lawyers just want your money and to be a client as long as possible. I am questionable of any lawyer who makes me waive my right to a...
  7. flasurfrider

    What should I do if i get arrested but I'm not the one who commited the crime?

    I have been arrested under questionable circumstances before. All I did was plea Not Guilty at the arraignment, told the judge a lawyer was not necessary at this time, talked to the prosecutors and they disposed/abandoned the charges. I did dress appropriately in the court room and did my best...
  8. flasurfrider

    Should All Cops Learn Martial Arts?

    Yes! It can be a matter of life or death if the perpetual SHTF. Not just learn, but practice frequently. This applies to all police that are out in the field as part of their job. However injuries due happen and if a police officer can no longer physically defend him/herself I do believe...
  9. flasurfrider

    Denver police chief wants to equip 800 officers with body cameras

    We have the technology and it is not all that expensive, much less most of the required equipment the police have to carry. I personally believe most tales of police abuse are a bit exaggerated by a subject who instigates the events leading up to the use of force by an officer, good audio and...