UN would like people to eat insects to fight world hunger


Well-Known Member
The UN would like people to eat insects to help world hunger. In their report the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says by eating insects it could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution. Reports show over 2 people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects.
"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint," according to the report.
"The use of insects on a large scale as a feed ingredient is technically feasible, and established companies in various parts of the world are already leading the way," it adds.


Active Member
I just posted in another insect thread, but about this, I say why not? Like I said before If I was starving, I'm pretty sure I'd have no problem eating creepy crawlies. Reminds me of this horrible horror movie I watched called Hunger.

Also, in some countries, they fry them up and serve them up. Deep fried grasshopper anyone?


Well-Known Member
It is a logical solution! If you think about our food production, we use a lot of water and create CO2 emissions to make that food. Why not use a natural resource that is very abundant? I say we use insects because they are a great source of protein and they are FREE!


Well-Known Member
I don' think it's so much a food shortage, but unevenly distributed throughout the world, just as water is scarce in some regions. It's how Mother Nature has worked. I know plenty of food is wasted and thrown out due to health and safety fears, so that leads me to believe resources are available, but boils down to the economy of the countries.


Well-Known Member
What insects do they propose people should start eating? Locusts? Crickets? Ants? I wouldn't mind trying locusts [if they are tasty] but I think the UN instead of making such suggestions should try to get people [those who live arid and semi-arid areas] to plant drought-resistant crops. That would be much better than eating insects.


Well-Known Member
I think that there are better solutions. As Rainman said, investing in drought-resistant crops would be more beneficial for struggling countries.
Though eating insects is not that a bad idea. Some insects are pretty tasty and they would definitely help a little bit with world hunger.


Well-Known Member
I want to see the proponents of this brilliant strategy eating bugs...lots and lots of bugs, then we'll talk!:mad: This is really stupid! Just about every idea the UN has is stupid and ineffectual! Will one of them trade me their $50.00 lunch for some yummy insects? Probably not.There, my opinion, flame away! :D


Well-Known Member
I doubt though that insects would be the answer to hunger in some third world countries. The insects would also need to be fed in order for them to breed. If there's no food . . .

Though eating insects is not that a bad idea. Some insects are pretty tasty and they would definitely help a little bit with world hunger.

Which ones are the tasty ones? Have you ever tried any? If you have which ones would you recommend to someone who's curious enough to try one or two?

Diane Lane

Well-Known Member
No flaming here, I totally agree, @thegrey1. I also agree that there's plenty of food (and everything else) to go around in this world. If people would stop hoarding resources and money as if they could take them with them when they die, the world would and could be a better place. Over the years, plenty of resources and funds have been poured into 3rd world countries, yet they are still 3rd world countries, often because those controlling the countries steal what's been given. The UN should focus on fixing those issues, and the donated resources and improved knowledge and techniques could be used to rebuild those areas and improve conditions for the people, not corrupt governments.


Well-Known Member
It's not such a far fetched idea. There are plenty of places in the world WILLINGLY eating bugs & flavouring them in a way where I, personally, have enjoyed some. The farming process would be ridiculously small & not take up many natural resources as well as certain bugs providing as opposed to taking from the land. I'm all for this. As long as they're well done, I'll jump on board the bug buffet as well.


Well-Known Member
And that sums it up better than I could hope to. Diane Lane,that is very consise and to the point.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm fine with eating insects as long as they are not raw, but must be well-cooked and a bit tasty. I would never eat cockroaches though.