Recent content by jgon3491

  1. jgon3491

    Man beaten over wrong cup of coffee

    Seriously ? it's just coffee ! Jeez! I didn't realize people were that crazy about their coffee. The guy obviously needs some mental help and perhaps anger management classes. Hope the victim is ok though.
  2. jgon3491

    Woman fends off would-be rapist with frying pan

    Kuddos to the lady ! It's a pretty funny story and I'm glad she was able to get away. That chump got what was coming to him. Glad the lady was able to defend herself.
  3. jgon3491

    Possibe new serial killer emerges in Indiana

    How did the goverment let him slip through the cracks? Goes to show you what a great system we have here. I'm sure there will be a lot more bodies showing up, he only confessed to 7 but only God knows how many there really are. Of course he went for the unwanted like prostitutes but still , that...
  4. jgon3491

    Online "Bank for Criminals" busted in $6 billion money laundering case

    I'll never be able to understand how they can get away with it let alone how they do it. They must be very good accountants or at least have someone who knows all of this. Who knows where they learn all this from.
  5. jgon3491

    Washington School Shooting

    I don't know why we don't just ban guns in the U.S. If we don't this is going to keep happening. We already had countless school shootings and countless victims dead. How many more do we need?
  6. jgon3491

    Creepy clown terrifies town

    That is one creepy clown! I don't have a clown fear but who wouldn't be creeped out with an ugly looking clown just starring? Wonder what his motive is. What ever it is I just hope it's not luring little kids.
  7. jgon3491

    Oh, deer! Tell me its not true.

    That is totally unprofessional. I wonder if the police offer was reprimanded for his actions. Don't know why the police officer couldn't just wait until the guy got his own gun.
  8. jgon3491

    Man charged with DUI on shopping cart

    I agree with the others, this is a pretty strange arrest but he was publicly intoxicated, so there's that. Wonder where he was headed to.
  9. jgon3491

    Police deliver pizza after driver involved in crash

    I would be beyond happy if my pizza was still delivered after an accident. I'd probably be shocked to see an officer standing at my door though and would question everything.
  10. jgon3491

    NJ Woman Throws Baby/Self into Ocean

    Did the baby die? Is there a link? I wonder if the mother had postpartum depression? Either way it doesn't give her the right to to try to drown her child.
  11. jgon3491

    Police Arrest Woman For Using Vibrator On Baby

    What a sick and cruel mother! I want to know where in the world she learned that it was ok to use a vibrator on a baby. It's not just sick that she used a vibrator on her son, but sick as crap that she used it so hard to cause rectal bleeding. Why just why? She has to the worst unfit mother ever.
  12. jgon3491

    Transgender Woman Killed by US Marine

    I get that the marine may have been upset when he found out that she was transgender, but that does not give him a right to kill her. He could have simply walked away, end of story. You don't go out and drown somebody just for that reason. I'm pretty sure the marine had to of had other issues, a...
  13. jgon3491

    9 Year Old Boy Sneaks Onto Plane Flies To Las Vegas

    What? How does that even happen? I'm just amazed that a little boy could get through all that security. I wonder if they little boy knew what he was doing, and where the heck were his parents?
  14. jgon3491

    Hola ! Newbie here

    My name is Jannet and I'm 23 from the state of PA. Glad to have joined this forum because everything about it is so interesting. I've always wanted to be a police officer or a detective. In my spare time I watch crime related shows such as Law & Order and CSI.
  15. jgon3491

    Man Accused Of Sex With Pet Dog

    This is just plain sick! How does one get so drunk that they have sex with their pet? I think he was just using that as excuse. The story quoted his neighbor who says he's done this before, so obviously this was not the first time. I'm glad they got the dog out of the home.