Recent content by Jokester050288

  1. Jokester050288

    What is the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen somebody do while driving?

    The funniest thing I ever saw was my uncle playing sleep while driving. He would close his left eye while keeping the right eye open and tilting his head. Drivers passing from the left would think he's sleep. LOL!!!
  2. Jokester050288

    What are your opinions on the ice bucket challenge?

    That ice bucket challenge was stupid and dumb. Why would anybody want to pour freezing cold buckets of water on themselves. I think its a waste of water and ice. That clean water could have been given to a homeless person.
  3. Jokester050288

    Would you rather go to jail for a year or live in your car for a year?

    LOL I would rather sleep in my car than have to share a cell with someone I don't know. I wouldn't have to be told when I could go outside or when to eat. I love having control and in jail there is no control.
  4. Jokester050288

    Have you ever called 911?

    Luckily I never had to call 911. I hope and pray it stays that way because I don't think I could deal with whateva the issue is. I know one day that time will come when I have to dial those dreadful number but I hope no time soon.
  5. Jokester050288

    Who do you have on your speed dial?

    TBH I have speed dial and still don't use it. I only have 3 contact in my speed dial. My wife's 2, my mom is 5 and my brother is 8.
  6. Jokester050288

    What was your least favorite subject in school?

    I would have to say history. I really dont see the point of know about it. Its not list were move backward were going forward so how about an future class that would be nice.
  7. Jokester050288

    Three Wishes!

    My first wish would be to have all of my traffic violations removed. My second would be to have a second chance in school. My third would be to have enough money to buy my mom, brother and wife anything they desired.
  8. Jokester050288

    What Would You Do Today If You Know You'll Die Tomorrow?

    If I knew I was gonna die tomorrow I would do all the thing I am scared to do. Flying and sky diving would be the first thing on my list. I never been a fan of hights.
  9. Jokester050288

    What is your favorite type of movie

    I love a good comedy movie. I think laughter is the best remedy for pain. When ever I mad or sad I just pop in a Kevin Hart flick and best in the best mood ever.
  10. Jokester050288

    What do you think of the people that abuse of the weak?

    I think people that do things like that just think less of themselves and maybe had a rough childhood. Their only like that because of at home personal issues. Only way to deal with that is take action and defend yourself or just walk away.
  11. Jokester050288

    Favorite movie quote

    Lol my favorite movie quote has to be from Major Payne. I love when he said BOY I AM TWO SECONDS FROM BEING ON YOU LIKE WHITE ON RICE A GLASS OF MILK AND PAPER PLATE IN A SNOW STORM. Best quote by far to me.
  12. Jokester050288

    Favorite Mortal Kombat Character

    I have to go with scorpion on this one although Lu Kang has the sickest combo of all. Kitana and Rain are my second favorites. But all players are good you just have to know how to use them in the right way.
  13. Jokester050288

    Who is your favorite late night talk show host?

    I have to say Jimmy Kimmel in the best late show host. He's very funny and talks about who ever he wants and not care. Funniest one was when him abd Kanye West was beefing. LOL!!!
  14. Jokester050288

    Another Kardashian example of how money can't buy class

    Lol I can't stand the Kardashian family. I have to say though Kim is one cute lady but the rest are ugly. Their voice just gets on my nerves and that squeaky laughing. Their making lots of money so I cant hate them for that.
  15. Jokester050288

    Man Butt Dials 911, Gets Arrested For Drug Possession

    Lol omg this guy butt snitched on him. I bet when he got home he spanked his own butt. I bet he's gonna think twice about putting his cellphone is his back pocket.