Recent content by Mackmax

  1. Mackmax

    Officer shot man after police say she feared for life

    I agree with Muthoni, he probably thought he could win the battle with the woman. Sadly, this is not the case. This is when police officers should use their guns, when they're on the ground in a dangerous tussle and their life is in danger, not when they feel a tiny bit threatened. I commend the...
  2. Mackmax

    Another Killing By Police

    I want to know what the "weapon" she used was. If it was something like a broken bottle, then this is another reason why we really need to start re-evaluating our policemen. The girl was only 17. Not only was she a female, but she was a child, so she most likely had a smaller frame than the cops...
  3. Mackmax


    Most mugshots look awful because the person isn't too happy to have gotten arrested, lol. Many people's mugshots were taken at 3 am or after the suspect was crying. Of course nobody takes a beautiful picture when they've been up all night or have just finished bawling their eyes out. Also, you...
  4. Mackmax

    Your cell phone could be subpoena'd

    I think that is the whole reason why people record, so that they have evidence of what happened. Sure, their phone could get taken away, but their recording of the incident could help someone get the justice they deserve, so who really cares? I'd record a crime taking place if it meant that it...
  5. Mackmax

    What is done with illegal drugs?

    If a person is caught with 2 pounds of cocaine, and gets arrested and prosecuted, what is done with the drug? Is it destroyed so that nobody can use it? I would think that the investigators would dispose of it since they've already prosecuted the suspect, and there is no longer a reason to...
  6. Mackmax

    A judge punches a public defender. LOL what are you thoughts?

    The public defender was being very obnoxious, but the judge definitely takes the cake. The judge obviously thinks that he is entitled, hence him telling the defender to sit down, despite the defender having every right to be there and plead his case. I can't believe that a man who uses violence...
  7. Mackmax

    Don't judge until you have done it?

    Yes, we should stop and put ourselves in a cop's shoes from time to time. It is an extremely stressful job, and has one of the highest rates of injury and death in the workplace. Not everyone can be a cop, hence why many people don't pass the written and physical exams. However, just because the...
  8. Mackmax

    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    Many police ask these questions as a test. How you react and how long it takes for you to react can say a lot about you. Some policemen will ask routine questions, and then throw in a random one just to see if you're paying attention, or to see if you're paying too much attention. If you seem to...
  9. Mackmax

    Problems from legalizing marijuana

    I can see the driving being an issue, but I certainly don't think that driving while under the influence of marijuana will cause nearly as many accidents as driving under the influence of alcohol does. And actually, kids will probably be less likely to use it if it is legalized. If it is...
  10. Mackmax

    An innocent man in jail or a guilty man free?

    Many people say that they'd rather have 100 guilty men walk free than see 1 innocent man in jail. I disagree, and depending on the crime, I'd rather have an innocent man in jail than a guilty man walk free. There's no way I'd want a serial killer to walk free among us. So what is your opinion on...
  11. Mackmax

    Death Penalty, for or against?

    I am completely for the death penalty. The lethal injection used during the death penalty is actually much cheaper than providing for the prisoner for the rest of his life sentence, its just that the prisoner's lawyers often repeal the verdict over and over, and the court costs add up...
  12. Mackmax

    Missouri 9-month-old fatally shot in his crib by 5-year-old brother, police say

    Thank god you were just being sarcastic, because I was ready to go on a whole rant based off your comment, lol! But this is so sad. Its bad enough that the parents own guns in a house with young children, but they were too idiotic to securely lock it up and keep it out of reach, too? Having a...
  13. Mackmax

    Are police academies selecting future officers properly?

    I sure hope so. Hopefully they'll start firing the corrupt cops who pick and choose which criminals they want to arrest. I've read about many police officers actually being active members of the KKK! It boggles my mind how people in groups known for racist hate crimes are granted jobs involving...
  14. Mackmax

    If you steal an item and later return it..

    I ask this question because I was thinking of Orange is the New Black, and how a character tried to return an item she stole years ago to the store, so lets say that you stole a nice $50 necklace from a store, but your guilty conscience is haunting you, so you decide to go back to the store and...
  15. Mackmax

    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    I've never offered a cop anything, but I would offer him something like a bottle of water if it were very hot that day and the cop looked parched. I wouldn't do this as a bribe, though. Only as a good deed. This would be after he asked to see my license and registration, though. Otherwise he'd...