Recent content by rga1999

  1. rga1999

    How long have you stayed in your current job position?

    Well I have been an independent contractor for about 5 years now. It is actually pretty nice. Knowing that I am setting my own schedule. I am not doing just 1 main thing all the time. It is always something different. Keeps me on my toes. I love doing what I do.
  2. rga1999

    The death penalty for evil crimes

    The Death Penalty should definitely be around for evil crimes. I believe there should be some type of protocol based off of the crimes that occur at the most grotesque rate. People on death row currently spend so much time on death row. 20+ years sometimes.
  3. rga1999

    What sort of experiences have you had with police?

    The only time I have had an experience with a police officer was when I got my DUI. Believe it or not,the officer treated me just fine. Now on the other hand I know how to conduct myself. as well.
  4. rga1999

    Has anyone in your family ever been police officer?

    My brother is a cop in Colorado currently. So I definitely get to hear both sides of the fence. He definitely loves it. Has wanted to be a cop since he was about 4 years old. It is nice to see him go thru it all.
  5. rga1999

    Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?

    Unfortunately there has been 2 officers lost in the line of duty in my town. Both by car crashes by individuals who were not licensed and obviously didn't have insurance.
  6. rga1999

    Have You Ever Seen Someone Do Something Incredibly Stupid In Front Of A Cop?

    Yes I certainly have. I live close to a college town so I see crazy things all the time. One time I saw a police officer talking to someone, and a kid came right behind the police officer and started taking a piss then taps the police office to show him. Crazy, why would you do that.
  7. rga1999

    In addition to the sex talk

    I absolutely think that you should talk with your kids about how to speak to cops. Similar to how we teach our kids to talk to their elders, vs their friends. I believe having both talks about sex and cops are essential in child development. At the same time every parent has to realize when that...
  8. rga1999

    Coffee or Tea?

    I am partial to Tea. I do like Coffee in some situations. But for the most part I do tea. Only green and regular tea. I do green regularly just as part of my diet, and gives me so much more energy. Coffee is a little to harsh on me at times.
  9. rga1999

    Can you speak other languages?

    Currently I speak 2 languages. I speak English and French. I now wish I would have taken Spanish seeing as though Bi-Lingual is a necessity. It stinks when people ask am I Bi-Lingual I say yes,and then they are disappointed because I don't speak Spanish. Maybe I will learn!
  10. rga1999

    Favorite Vacation

    My favorite vacation by far is just a simple one I just took not too long ago, from Arizona, to San Diego. I love taking little road trips, and there were a lot of cool spots to stop at one the way. The scenery on the way up there was fantastic. Being able to stay at a condo right on the beach...
  11. rga1999

    What is the best way to make popcorn?

    I typically buy the kernels like old school times, and cook them in a skillet on the stove. I melt my own butter, and actually use a spray.
  12. rga1999

    Favorite Christmas Movie?

    My favorite Christmas movies is Christmas Vacation. The Griswolds are hilarious. The other one I would have to say is Charlie Browns Christmas. From a kid to an adult I still love it.
  13. rga1999

    How do you expect to spend your Christmas?

    This Christmas is going to be very quiet for myself and my family. Last year we took a 15 hour car ride to Colorado to visit with Family. This year we are going to stay put. We are not doing the traditional make a dinner Christmas. We are going to have a great time opening presents all day long...
  14. rga1999

    How do you expect to spend your Christmas?

    This Christmas is going to be very quiet for myself and my family. Last year we took a 15 hour car ride to Colorado to visit with Family. This year we are going to stay put. We are not doing the traditional make a dinner Christmas. We are going to have a great time opening presents all day long...