Recent content by Rob93FL

  1. Rob93FL

    When working out what do you think of?

    The only thing on my mind when I'm working out is maintaining proper form, maintaining proper breathing, and fully contracting the muscle(s) I'm using. I can't think of anything else when I'm moving heavy weights around. I do like to listen to music, though.
  2. Rob93FL

    Do you get paranoid writing on forums?

    Not at all. I'm an open book, but I'm not stupid about it. I don't post my address, phone number, or anything else that people could use against me on forums.
  3. Rob93FL

    Vitamins are garbage

    This is called the appeal to nature fallacy. Just because something is natural doesn't mean that it is inherently good and just because something is unnatural doesn't mean that it is inherently bad.
  4. Rob93FL

    Is winter a hard season for you?

    Not at all. I live in Florida, so it never gets too cold here. It's almost always at a comfortable ~50-60 degrees out during the winter.
  5. Rob93FL

    What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?

    The first thing I do is browse the front page of Reddit to get my news for the day. After that, I shower, find something to eat, and then head to the gym before class and work.
  6. Rob93FL

    Winter Workouts

    Just do all of the exercises that you do outside in a house or in the gym. If you like riding your bike, use a stationary bike. If you like running, use a treadmill or an elliptical.
  7. Rob93FL

    What is your favorite social network?

    The only social networking site that I use now is Reddit. I used to use MySpace and Facebook, but I got bored of them quickly. I realized that I didn't care about 90% of what people posted.
  8. Rob93FL

    Death Penalty

    No, I don't approve of the death penalty. The death penalty assumes a perfect justice system. No country has a perfect justice system. The risk of killing an innocent person outweighs the "benefit" of killing a guilty person.
  9. Rob93FL

    Working From Home

    I like to supplement my income by doing a few different things online, but it doesn't replace my actual job. It would be an incredible waste of time to quit my job and make a couple dollars an hour by working online when I can just go to work for a few hours a day and make much more than that.
  10. Rob93FL

    What do you do outside the home?

    Most of my time away from home is spent at work or in class. Aside from that, I'm usually at the gym or looking for something to do with my friends.
  11. Rob93FL

    Vitamins are garbage

    Wait, what? Did you even read the original post? This thread isn't about doctor-prescribed pills like opiates/opioids, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants. This is about multivitamins that you can get at just about any store.
  12. Rob93FL

    Have you spent real money on a game?

    Sure, I've paid for plenty of downloadable content on my Xbox 360. I also used to pay monthly membership for an online game that I used to play. Most games get old after a while of playing old content.
  13. Rob93FL

    Vitamins are garbage

    You pay $10+ for a meal at McDonalds? I can get 3 McChickens for like $3.30
  14. Rob93FL

    Professional Athletes?

    Just because that doesn't sound like your ideal lifestyle doesn't mean that it isn't one that he genuinely enjoys.
  15. Rob93FL


    Who doesn't love doughnuts?