Recent content by rubydust

  1. rubydust

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I did once, purely by accident. I was in the supermarket with my daughter, who was a baby at the time. I had put her into one of those shopping carts with the baby seats. She was teething at the time, and was starting to become restless and upset, so I gave her a toothbrush to play with, that...
  2. rubydust

    Do you have to answer the door to police?

    That news story is pretty scary. I'm shocked they got arrested just for not opening their door. It's a shame the video won't load - I would have been very interested to see that. I wonder why it was taken down? I know it doesn't 'look good' if you don't want to give a statement. I just want...
  3. rubydust

    Do you have to answer the door to police?

    If the police call round, for whatever reason, do you have to open the door to them, or can you just ignore them? Obviously if they have a warrant, they would come right on in regardless. But if they don't have a warrant, are you within your rights to ignore their request to open the door...
  4. rubydust

    Family members affecting chance to join police

    That's interesting. Why do you think this is? Do you think they are more sympathetic or understanding of the reasons behind certain behaviours? Or maybe it works the other way, making them less tolerant to law breaking, because they have seen how it can cause a lot of stress and strain on...
  5. rubydust

    Photographing children doing crime

    You're right. Kids get away with way too much nowadays. I think a big part of the problem is that adults (like myself in this situation) are afraid that they will be breaking the law or will get in trouble themselves when trying to stop the behaviour. And the kids know this. For instance...
  6. rubydust

    Family members affecting chance to join police

    He's only in his early teens right now. But he's at the stage where he's having to choose his subject options and really think about what he wants to do with his life. Our school has a special class for kids who want to join the uniformed services.
  7. rubydust

    Is It OK To Use Force To Stop Someone Assaulting His Wife?

    You're very brave. I don't think I would ever physically intervene. I did get in between two people fighting before, and ended up being hit in the crossfire, so I wouldn't be doing that again. Almost always, there is alcohol involved, and no amount of reasoning will help in those cases to...
  8. rubydust

    What Can We Do About Perverts?

    I tried laughing at the guy who was stalking me. I thought it would stop him, but unfortunately it just infuriated him. Nothing I did stopped him. I often wonder about the psychology behind pervert behaviour. In the end, the only way I could find to be able to cope with it in my own mind...
  9. rubydust

    What Can We Do About Perverts?

    That's a good idea Joan. I lived next door to one. He harassed me constantly, for nearly four years. I kept reporting him, kept a diary. The police spoke to him several times but they couldn't charge him because there were never any witnesses. Finally I couldn't take it any more so I moved...
  10. rubydust

    Family members affecting chance to join police

    I see. This sounds more fair. We don't even live in the same country as him now, and my son has only met him once in his whole life. So hopefully then, it shouldn't be a problem if he decides to apply to join in future.
  11. rubydust

    Photographing children doing crime

    It's a very expensive private school. I think this helps because obviously they have to keep up a good reputation to attract parents to pay the fees to send their kids there. We have a public high school close by too. I've never had any problems with the pupils from there. Just goes to show...
  12. rubydust

    How do police feel when they have to move on a homeless person?

    I would imagine I would find it difficult to have to do that, if they were doing no harm and not causing a nuisance. Especially since a fair proportion of homeless people are ex military. They've risked life and limb to serve their country and have little support when they leave the forces. I...
  13. rubydust

    Is It OK To Use Force To Stop Someone Assaulting His Wife?

    The problem with getting involved in 'domestics', is the wife will often choose not to press charges, and will also side with the husband. My ex husband once got involved when we saw a man getting violent with his partner in the street. My ex stepped in, and immediately got a torrent of abuse...
  14. rubydust

    Family members affecting chance to join police

    It would be very unfair if the criminal past of family members affected people's career chances. Like you said, you shouldn't be held responsible for other people's actions. It does seem very unfair. I'd love to hear if anyone has any personal experience of this, or any specific knowledge...
  15. rubydust

    The last time you had any interaction with a police officer?

    The last time I spoke to a police officer was about a month ago, at 2am when they had woken me up from a deep sleep by hammering on my front door. It was a very scary experience to wake up to that. I didn't know who it was, and it sounded as if they were going to break the door. When I...