Recent content by swaurd

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    A Maryland woman snake-bite costs $55K

    Ha, she got bit twice!
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    stiffness in my forearm

    When I have been lifting I get a stiffness in my forearm, from the elbow to wrist. It just feels stiff sometimes, does anyone have any idea what this could be from?
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    Chicago Blackhawks Win the Stanley Cup

    Great series by two original six teams.
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    Suggestions on what to buy

    Danner boots are great. I use the Tactical Tailor duty gear, it's light and very comfortable.
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    Already Tired of Hearing about the George Zimmerman Trial

    I agree. One woman say that she had everything all planed out already. Her husband or daughters would take care of her animals and chores. Her husband would tape the today show and edit anything that had to do with the trial. But she says she really hasn't been following the case. If she did...
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    The Butt Slap

    That's a good one, JTliams.
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    Correct hairstyle for a female candidate to wear

    What is the correct hairstyle for a female candidate to wear? Can the hair goes past the collar, how about a ponytail? Does it have to fit under the hat?
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    Dispatchers question

    What happens if you call 911 because what you think might be suspicious activity and the dispatcher tells you not to get involved. After the dispatcher tells you not intervene but you go ahead and get involved, can you get in trouble for not listening to the dispatcher?
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    border patrol

    Can anybody give some information on how I can get a a job in border patrol?
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    Protective Service Police Department

    Hi everyone I just have one question, I wanted to know does Protective Service Police Department officers have law enforcement authority off-duty, meaning is it 24/7?
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    Do you guys think the 9mm is an effective duty weapon?

    Do you guys think the 9mm is an effective duty weapon?
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    Would this prevent me from becoming a cop?

    I am would really like to become a police officer and I've read a lot of threads here about other posts that might prevent them from becoming a cop. When I was younger I used to get into alot of fights. I was suspended for fighting three times and was arrested once for fighting because I used a...
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    I can't improve my time on the mile and a half run

    I have been training for awhile now and I can't improve my time on the mile and a half run. Any suggestions?
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    I could use some tips on how I can prepare for the oral interviews

    Hello everyone. I could use some tips on how I can prepare for the oral interviews in law enforcement hiring process?
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    What is required in the fitness test?

    I want to become an officer. What is required in the fitness test?