Recent content by tanker

  1. T

    What Would Make a Criminal Want To Go Back To Jail?

    Some people get used to being institutionalized, and after a while they can not function in society. So they end up bouncing in and out of jail for their entire lives. I suspect that a lot of repeat offenders probably fall into this category.
  2. T

    What do you do if you find something illegal online?

    The problem is you might be the target of the police investigation. It is a problem and I don't know what can be done about it. There needs to be more sensible laws.
  3. T

    Dangers Of Craigslist Meetups and Sales

    If the police allow meetings in their lobbies, does that mean they have entered the match making department ? Maybe police departments should put up their own craigslist and then also have a singles section and meetup section. The question is how far should the police be going to protect people ?
  4. T

    WOW! Just wow!

    The problem is most people think that one man can not make a difference. We seem to be buried in a sea of apathy. But we need more stories like this which shows that one person can make a difference.
  5. T

    Domestic disturbance calls

    Well it is better to be safe then sorry. You might be a little red faced if you call the police by mistake, but that is a lot better as opposed to not calling the police and then later finding out that someone has been killed or something worse. Most reports to the police are usually false...
  6. T

    Robot Buys Drugs With Bitcoins, Arrested By Cops

    Bit coin is not anoymous, the guy who ran silkroad was arrested, and all of the other sites like silkroad the owners have been arrested. In some ways it makes the police's job easier and safer, they not longer have to go out on the street to chase criminals.
  7. T

    Should It Be Considered An Offense?

    Maybe the parent is having a nervous breakdown because the their kids are out of control. To try and get their kids under control they call the police. Now days with all these laws about how you can't discipline your kids what is a parent to do ? So it depends on the situation. The police should...
  8. T

    Are the Police finally listening?

    These things seem to go in cycles, so maybe last year was just a bad year. This year might be a good year. The amount of police brutality cases per the number of criminals caught is fairly low. Also the newsmedia has a tendency to sensationalise stuff.
  9. T

    Psychological profiling and minority report

    The government always attempts to get more power, the people attempt to fight back against it. Eventually there will be a balance in the middle. The thing that everyone forgets is how much will all of this new technogly cost and who is going to pay for it. Policing is a lot more expensive then...
  10. T

    Police Can Seize Your Car Even If You Have Committed No Crime

    Utimiately it is the citizen's own fault, they are the ones that allowed congress to pass these laws to "keep them safe". They always think it can never happen to them. The police themselves just enforce the laws, and are not breaking any laws. If people want to sacrafice liberty for safety...
  11. T

    Is It OK To Use Force To Stop Someone Assaulting His Wife?

    Why even cops hate to get involved in domestic disputes they turn nasty, and often the victim turns on the cop. Probably it would have been better if the guy just called 911. If it is a family domestic dispute you might have the entire family attacking you. The victim usually is codependant...
  12. T

    Babysitter’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Allegedly Beat Infant To Death

    The parents must have been pretty irresponsible if they just left their baby with an 11 year old. Probably the parents are drug addicts and on welfare. The probably went out to buy more booze and drugs and then found some 11 year old kid to look after the baby. Maybe the 11 year old kid was also...
  13. T

    Police Taser Musician For ‘Playing Tambourine Too Loudly’

    Maybe the guy was a really bad tambourine player. Or maybe the rest of the church tried to convert the cop. Sometimes these relgious fanatics can be down right annoying. Confess if you had a taser, you wouldn't be tempted to taser someone ? I feel like tasering mormons and jehova witnesses all...
  14. T

    Are police shows like "Cops" authentic?

    Police reality shows remove all the boring drugery that cops have to do, and then show just the exciting parts. Filming a cop doing tons of paperwork just does not make good TV. Most of a cops job is pretty boring waiting around for something to happen. Or they are mainly routiine complains.
  15. T

    5-Year-Old Shoots, Kills Baby Brother

    Paintball guns can be just as dangerous for small children as real guns. Paintballs hit with a lot of force and they leave big black bruises if they hit exposed flesh. A small child getting hit by a paint ball could get seriously injured. Don't let kids play with dangerous things.