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  1. taki

    Your Thoughts On Non-lethal Weapons

    Considering what has happened in the past couple of weeks I'm rethinking some ideas I've had for a long time. I have long believed that cops are to well insulated from taking responsibility for their actions and in the interest of them making it home at night a lot of unruly people are not...
  2. taki

    Officer IQ

    There has been a urban legend rumor going around the nets for years now that police agencies do not hire people with a high IQ to be a police officer. I've always wondered if there was any truth to those rumors.
  3. taki

    Qualified Immunity

    Do you believe that the use of a Qualified Immunity defense should provide cover for a police officer who clearly neglected rule of law under the guise of just doing his job? I see a lot of somewhat dubious outcomes when it pertains to law enforcement and the people in America and it seems like...