Search results

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    Funny 911 calls

    I have a few. I know that back when one of the major satellite companies dropped AMC, several people called 911 because they couldn't watch the new episode of The Walking Dead. People have called 911 because facebook was temporarily down. A woman called 911 because one the menu items that she...
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    Coupon Board

    Yeah, so I just noticed that for some reason, this forum has a coupon board. What exactly are we supposed to post there? Do they have coupons to get like 10% off of your speeding tickets? Or is it supposed to for coupons for stuff like Kevlar vests and new badges? Because seriously, there are...
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    What is the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen somebody do while driving?

    I remember one time when I was on the freeway, I noticed that the person in front of me was driving kind of erratically at times. Now, it was like 8:30 Am, so I figured that there was no way that they were drunk. So I got in the fast lane and sped up beside them. As I took a look into their car...
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    What's your favorite music genre?

    I am exactly the same as you, OP. I really love all genres of music. It doesn't matter to me as long as it is good. But if I did have to choose a style, I'd just go with rock. That is a generic enough term that it covers the widest array of musical styles.
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    Your dream job?

    My dream job is definitely to be a writer. I would like to produce work that inspires and helps people. It is a dream that I know I will achieve. I love writing, and I really don't care how much or how little I make doing it. Just knowing that I was able to help someone is payment enough.
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    What to do when you witness domestic violence?

    I would definitely call the police in a situation like that. However, if I see a mean really beating a woman to where I think that she is in real danger, I will step in and do something. I had a situation like this happen last year where i saw a man beating a woman. When I ran up on him, he...
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    Man punches female store clerk

    Man, I really feel her pain here. I used to work at a liquor store in a poor neighborhood, and I swear, so many times a day people would come in a quarter short on a dollar beer or cigar, and just expect me to pay for it now so they could owe me. It is just ridiculous. And there worst part about...
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    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    You are only as old as you feel. So in regards to your question, OP, I wouldn't begin to consider someone "old" until they acted that way. I know a 75 year old man who has the heart of a child. He is positive and compassionate and full of life and energy. I have never described him to anyone as...
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    What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    I am with you, OP. Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today. (Didn't mean to quote Pink Floyd there, it just sort of happened [:) Well, really, it is love of money that is the true root of all evil. But still, if I suddenly acquired that sort of money without earning it, I wouldn't feel...
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    Man jailed for being a good samaritan.

    Situations like this are exactly why a lot of people don't stop and do the right thing when someone else is in trouble. They are often afraid that they are going to get pulled into the situation and somehow get into trouble. It is just sad. There have been people who have stopped to help someone...
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    What reasons am I allow to speed?

    I don't know if there are specific exceptions written into the law itself, but there are definitely cases where common sense needs to take precedent. In the event of an emergency, I can't see that there is anything wrong with speeding or breaking any other minor laws. I don't think that there is...
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    It might be okay if you are already in really good shape. But it has been in the news lately for a few reasons, the main one being that a lot of injuries are occurring as a result of the workout. So if you are already fit, and looking for an extreme workout, then it might be for you. But if you...
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    Very marketable

    I would think that being able to speak Spanish would be very attractive to any police force in a community where there are a lot of Spanish speaking residents. But as the other poster said, you can't just rest on those laurels. Make sure you are healthy and in good shape. Focus on improving the...
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    Officer IQ

    Yeah, I remember very specifically this story being reported on the news several years ago. If I recall correctly, it was somewhere in new england. I never really understood how someone could be overqualified or too smart for a job, especially being a cop. Although a high intelligence might lead...
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    Robin Williams Dead in Apparent Suicide

    It is always so tragic when you hear these stories about people who suffered from emotional problems and addiction finally succumbing to their disease in one way or another. It just goes to show that help can be really hard to get, even for the affluent and persons of means. He was truly a...
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    What to do when being harassed by police officer?

    I had a friend who went through this exact same issue. We had a really bad cop in our neighborhood, and he was always harrasing people. My friend began to film him every chance he got, whether he was personally interacting with him, or just observing. Eventually, they removed him from this beat...
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    What is the maximum penalty for jaywalking ?

    I have never in my life personally received a ticket or even a warning for jay walking. Nor do I know anyone that has. I live in a larger city, and I imagine that the police here have far more important things to do besides bust jay walkers. I do understand a need for the law, but enforcing it...
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    How are cops handling citizens in states where marijuana is legal?

    I imagine that unlike alcohol, it can be really difficult to identify if someone is under the influence of marijuana, and even harder to prove it. I was under the impression that even thought it was legal, you still weren't allowed to just smoke it openly in public. I figure that is was the same...