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  1. jaygee

    No more honey boo boo! Mom is dating a sex offender...

    I don't watch junk like this. I value my free time and my brain cells too much. ;^)
  2. jaygee

    What Exactly Is The Problem With Florida Residents?

    All the heat has cooked everyone's brains. ;)
  3. jaygee

    So what did America learn from the government shutdown?

    I learned that lawmakers should get paid minimum wage and have term limits. :\
  4. jaygee

    Ebola outbreak fear.

    Are you in West Africa?
  5. jaygee

    Do you think probation causes post traumatic stress or paranoia symptoms?

    I don't have a lot of sympathy here. I guess it's because I'm from the "don't do the crime if you can't do the time," generation. Part of the time means probation if they're lucky enough to get out of jail in the first place.
  6. jaygee

    Do you watch the news every day?

    I read the news every day. I quickly get sick of talking heads and commercials. ;)
  7. jaygee

    Ebola outbreak fear.

    There's a reason to be scared. It's a very scary disease. Lots of people here in the US were angry when the CDC brought victims here to treat them because they were afraid it might not be contained properly. I am so sorry for you and the people in Africa that are having to go through this. But...
  8. jaygee

    A judge punches a public defender. LOL what are you thoughts?

    Possibly the judge is trying to get his own reality show. :p
  9. jaygee

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    If it's a public school, I don't think they have the right to make that request. The man has an honorable job and it should be respected, so should the uniform that goes with it. I hope he takes it to the BOE. We need police officers in schools, they shouldn't be chased away.
  10. jaygee

    Would you eat insects?

    If I were stranded somewhere and I was starving to death, then sure, bring 'em on! If I've got a choice, then heck no! Bleah.
  11. jaygee

    Favorite cake flavor

    I like cake flavored cake. ;) There are very few unhappy people who have a slice of cake in front of them. When you get a piece of cake, you're usually in a positive moment and I think that's what people relate to.
  12. jaygee


    Hi, I'm new too! Nice to meet you. :)