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  1. M

    back exercises

    My favorites are pull ups, chin ups, seated rows.
  2. M

    Already Tired of Hearing about the George Zimmerman Trial

    Just listened for a few minutes to the Jury selection for the George Zimmerman trial. What a joke. Everyone is stating they did not hear anything about this case other than what they are hearing about now. I live in a county next to the county these jurors are coming from and I would have to...
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    Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker is dead

    He should of been put to death so long ago and not had the opportunity of a natural death.
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    Dad took my TV

    I'm 19 years old, and I still live at home with my dad. Yesterday my dad got really mad at me, so he took away the television in my room. I paid for it with the money I make from my job. So does my father have the right to take my TV that I paid for with my own money?
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    New boots for the Police Academy

    I need to purchase boots for the the Academy, and I'm thinking about getting Oakley boots. Are they durable?
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    Can I be a police officer with a DWI?

    Can I be a police officer in Newark, New Jersey with a DWI?
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    County Sheriff's Officer or Municipal Police Officer

    I was just wondering what are some of the pros and cons for County Sheriff's Officer and Municipal Police Officer. Thanks for reading.
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    Has anybody attended CrossFit Gyms?

    Has anybody attended CrossFit Gyms?
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    When I was a teenager I was treated for ADD

    Hi everyone. I would like to get into Law Enforcement, but I have some concerns that I might not get in. When I was a teenager I was treated for ADD. I was taken redalen for two years while I was in high school, and recently have been taking something to treat ADD in adults.I am worried when...
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    How do you guys find the motivation to stay fit?

    With all the long hours you put in, how do you guys find the motivation to stay fit?
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    smoking weed while driving

    I would just like to ask a question about driving a car and smoking pot. I have a feeling my daughters boyfriend is smoking weed while driving. I've told her not to get in his car, but she won't listen. What I can do if someone is driving a vehicle under the influence of pot and my daughters...
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    I'm looking into getting a pair of Danner 4.5 Striker GTX boots

    Hi guys. I'm looking into getting a pair of Danner 4.5 Striker GTX boots. Do they have a good reputation?
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    Education after the academy

    I was wondering if anybody had any insight on the pros and cons to go ahead with an education after the academy.
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    Do you go on facebook to gather information

    Do you go on facebook to gather information on someone you are going to arrest?
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    I was backing up out of a parking spot

    I was backing up out of a parking spot this morning and so was another guy. We were both backing, so I stopped and honked my horn and he continued to drive into me. Would he be 100% at fault? I stopped my vehicle and had time to honk to let him know that I was there.
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    Do the Police really have good health benefits?

    Do the Police really have good health benefits?
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    What else would you be doing?

    If you weren't a police officer what would you be?
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    Do you visit schools?

    Do you visit schools and talk to the kids? Thank you in advance for your answer.
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    shooting at you

    Have you ever been shot at while on the job?
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    Is he too old?

    My 40 year old brother wants to become a police officer, is he too old?