Search results

  1. Laura Greenbrier

    Why are police allowed to take their weapons home?

    When I initially read your answer, I found it counterintuitive. Some part of me assumed that the younger cop might be cautious whereas the experienced and confident officer might not hesitate to intervene. I can see your point, however. If I'm understanding you correctly, the younger cop might...
  2. Laura Greenbrier

    Personal Cameras on each unit?

    This is a good observation and could be a troublesome issue if the ongoing crime changes venue. As a suspected shooter races from the sidewalk to enter his or her home, the officer would be inconvenienced to have to stop, disable the camera, and so forth. Failure to disable the camera in a...
  3. Laura Greenbrier

    Are police academies doing a good job training future cops?

    I would argue that the academy serves merely as the starting blocks, as it were, for a career in law enforcement. Good to ensure a strong beginning, but not comparable to years of experiences in a wide variety of situations. The range of domestics, fights, crimes, and all their variables could...
  4. Laura Greenbrier

    Your cell phone could be subpoena'd

    They may not be gloating. Perhaps it's an area that has had issues with alleged police brutality. The filmer could be filming out of concern that another suspect not be harmed during their encounter with officers. My own opinion is that sunshine is the best disinfectant. The recent interest in...
  5. Laura Greenbrier

    What is one aspect of police work that would be surprising to most people?

    Many of us have preconceptions of police officers and what they do, and don't do (the ubiquitous "doughnut" jokes). But as with every job, there are aspects behind the public image that might well be surprising for the general public to learn. What are those aspects of the job? They could be...