Search results

  1. hellonamesdan

    Most Ridiculous Story?

    My uncle was a police detective years ago, and I used to love to ask him about the most ridiculous stories that he has from being on duty. My favorite one was when he was answering a domestic abuse call and he was questioning the woman involved, and she told him her name was Name! Apparently her...
  2. hellonamesdan

    Busting Kids Via Yik Yak?

    If you don't already know, there is this phone app called Yik Yak which is basically the latest craze for college students and has been for the past six months or so. Basically you're able to anonymously post things to the app which only people from your area can see, and anonymously comment...
  3. hellonamesdan

    Hey from New York.

    Hi everybody! My name is Dana. I'm a 20 year old chronically ill college student from smack dab in the middle of New York. I'm from Southern New York originally but I'm going to college in the middle of the state. I'm very excited to start writing and talking with everybody on here!