new york police

  1. New York Police Department Mannequin Challenge #mannequinchallenge - YouTube

    New York Police Department Mannequin Challenge #mannequinchallenge - YouTube

    New York Police Department Mannequin Challenge
  2. NYPD on high alert following renewed ISIS calls for attacks - YouTube

    NYPD on high alert following renewed ISIS calls for attacks - YouTube

    NYPD on high alert following renewed ISIS calls for attacks The New York Police Department are on high alert after renewed calls by ISIS to launch terror att...
  3. Man arrested after scaling Brooklyn Bridge - YouTube

    Man arrested after scaling Brooklyn Bridge - YouTube

    The New York Police Department arrested a man Sunday afternoon after he scaled the Brooklyn Bridge.
  4. Onthemark

    Brave Police Officers Climb 20-Stories To Save Suicidal Man On Bridge

    Two police officers in New York, have been hailed as heroes after reaching new heights to save a man they say threatened to jump off a 20-story bridge. Officers Billy Judge and Glen Baillargeon of the Suffolk County Police Department climbed up the bridge and stayed with the man for two hours...
  5. Anthony

    Surveillance guidelines routinely violated by NYPD report

    The New York Police Departments intelligence bureau routinely violated the famous Handschu Agreement, a set of 1985 guidelines that protect constitutional rights, for purely political reasons, according to a new inspector general report. Inspector General Philip K. Eure of the NYPD released a...
  6. Anthony

    Police Say Tower Climber Wanted to Meet Trump

    Police say a man who climbed partway up the facade of Trump Tower in New York City had posted a video online saying he did it because he wanted "a private audience" with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
  7. Anthony

    Bomb Hoax Suspect in Custody; Officers Commended

    New York Police say they have a man in custody accused of throwing a fake bomb into a police vehicle in Times Square Wednesday night. Officers were commended for their bravery in handling the device.