
  1. helaofthenorns

    Lang Leav

    I am a huge fan of the literary work of Lang Leav. Her book Love and Misadventures is really good. I read it in just an hour, I think. I just want to share with you this work of hers that I really love.
  2. helaofthenorns

    Weirdest Dream

    My dream last night centered around me feeding Godzilla marshmallows. I was riding on one of his shoulders, I don't know which side, and I was toasting marshmallows on his "dragon breath". We were walking all over countries, and it was really fun. It felt really weird though when I woke up. So...
  3. True2marie

    Are cops hard on their kids?

    My father was in the military. As a result, he believed in order and discipline. I never remember our home being in disarray or a lot of chaos going on between myself and siblings. However, this is in general the military way of life. I had my share of fun growing up. However, I understood...
  4. Ricardo187

    Allowing video posting.

    Somehow I can't post videos/links in the forums, I don't know why. It says I'm not yet allowed to post links. I had a nice police video to share but this disallows me from doing so.