Another Unarmed Man Murdered By Police


Well-Known Member
A police officer in Wisconsin shot dead an unarmed black teenager after forcing his way into the teen's apartment. It is alleged that the teenager had assaulted the police officer. But using lethal force considering that the teenager wasn't armed was unreasonable. Protesters took to the street to express their rage.

Fatal police shooting of unarmed 19-year-old prompts protest

How long before we see positive change in the police force?


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. You would think that after all the demonstrations and protests and media attention Ferguson got, the cops would be more careful. It's like it's happening all over again, like nobody paid attention. This is seriously a problem. Why did the cop force his way into the apartment? Shouldn't he have called for backup before entering? 2 or more officers could have handled this without the use of a weapon if the person they were apprehending was unarmed.


Well-Known Member
It seems like every other month, this happens. It's time to start charging these cowards, hiding behind a badge. Not talking about the good cops here, just the frauds. It's time for our government to step in and do something because no other race is getting killed like this, but Black males. I just don't understand why whites hate us blacks so much?


Well-Known Member
I agree, the police officer's action, specifically him shooting an unarmed teenager is very unreasonable. What was his reason? The teenager assaulted him so he shot him? Wow. What made him do that thing? He's a cop for Pete's sake, he should know what would be the consequences of his actions. These kinds of cops think they're all high and mighty to the point that they would do anything they want against people.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the unarmed teen thought about the "consequences " of HIS actions when he was assaulting 2 people (according to witnesses) before the cops got there? How about we spend time improving our parenting skills instead of always looking for a scapegoat when something like this happens? I don't think white cops hate black people! I think ALL cops, like the rest of us, hate thugs who spend most of their free time raising hell on decent society!