Cops gaining weight


Well-Known Member
Its very unsightly at how some cops who are in the service longer are gaining weight which is really obvious with their bulging stomachs. Cops who look that way are not snappy at all. Their RHQ should really do something about it.


Well-Known Member
Yer it is difficult for such cops with bulging stomachs to be physically active as they are suppose to be, they should actually be asked to stay and keep fit.


Well-Known Member
Fitness is definitely important, however our fitness naturally declines as we age. I think we should show some compassion to these police members if they are above the age of 40, it is around that point when testosterone levels begin to decline and body metabolism decreases for most people. It becomes harder to lose weight and build muscle.

Hence, so long as they are not overly obese, and are still able to do moderate physical activity, I believe it is acceptable.


I believe they need to be fit as well. I'm almost 40 and I'm not obese at all. Is there a yearly physical exam? If I'm paying for someone to protect me, I want to make sure that they are capable of doing it.


Well-Known Member
This is also common in my region; uncontrolled weigh gain is dangerous for everyone. I think that as we age our metabolism goes down making it easier to store fats. Our police just needs to work harder to maintain their weight so that they can be more effective. They have a challenging job to look forward to everyday.