Deputy Saves Girl Choking On First Full Time Shift


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Florida authorities say a Volusia County sheriff's deputy's first full-time shift on the job in Deltona started with a lifesaving moment. Deputy Brant Lickiss is being praised after saving a 4-year-old girl who was choking on a piece of candy.

The incident unfolded on Saturday, when Deputy Lickiss was patrolling a neighborhood when he spotted a woman quickly turn into a driveway and pull out her daughter. "She jumps out, grabs her kid out of the back, very panicked," said Lickiss.

Lickiss pulled into the driveway and got out of his vehicle. He noticed the girl was pale, lips were turning blue and was choking. The deputy quickly struck her back and dislodged a piece of hard candy that was stuck in her airway. "I guess it was just instinct that made me do something to help," Lickiss said.

After Deputy Lickiss determined that the little girl was breathing, he called for a rescue unit to evaluate her.

Deputy Lickiss said he was thinking about his own daughter during the incident. "That's what really made me react so quickly was the thought of my daughter, and if she was in that situation, what I would do," he said.

"I couldn't see myself doing anything else," said Lickiss. "I got into law enforcement to help, to help anyone that needs it."


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Well-Known Member
What a great way to start the career, saving someone's life. News should be focusing more on this and less on discussions that will lead no where.


Well-Known Member
I agree, starting to work with such a memory is something that will make him proud for the rest of his life, great job.


Well-Known Member
It's great to read some good news for a change. Hopefully, the attitude that he got into law enforcement in order to help people will remain with him throughout his career. This does highlight the fact that we should all really know some basic first aid techniques - it could be the difference between life and death.


Well-Known Member
Start as you mean to go on! Well done! At least we've got a good news story for the police. It's about time that the media starting to show the other face, the proper face, of what the police force set out to do.


Well-Known Member
That was a real heroic act indeed.She truly deserves all the praise.She was at the right place at the right time and any minute later the story would have been different.


Well-Known Member
It's good to finally hear some good news, especially involving the police. This little girl was very lucky and I commend the officer here for saving her life. The media tend to not show stories like this but over saturate you with negative stories.