Do you prefer to work out at the gym or at home?


I used to like going to the gym for the classes and the motivation of having other like-minded people around, but I don't have gym membership anymore, so I've been working out at home and running outside. There are benefits to both. Which do you prefer?


Well-Known Member
I prefer to work out at home,I find it pretty comfortable, I do not feel shy, I can work out at my own pace and whatever time that I wwant to workout.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what you're doing and whether you enjoy working out with company. It's always best to hit the gym with friends and socialise, and it's important to have a spotter/partner for forced reps when doing weights. If doing simpler exercises like pushups or skipping, it's probably better to do them at home where you can push yourself to exhaustion and not worry about the commute home.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to exercise at home as I have some equipment, but sometimes I go to the gym with a friend to teach or help him to exercise correctly.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to work out at home. I like working out at home because of the privacy. When you are at home you have access to your own bathroom and kitchen. When I work out at home I can eliminate distractions. I also think working out at home is cheaper than joining a gym.


Active Member
I have worked out at home and at a gym. In my younger days, the gym was my choice. At the time, I worked as a trainer and a fitness instructor, so my monthly dues were free. I was on my own, so it was convenient. Today, I'm in my 40's and I have children. I tried the gym life with my children, but it just did not work out. My boy's hated to go in the evenings and I felt so guilty putting them in a gym sitting service after spending all day in a daycare while I was working. So, naturally, I stopped going to the gym. It was a huge issue for me and I felt terrible about myself and so overwhelmed. I gained 20 pounds and knew I had to do something. So, I purchased a few at home workouts that am still doing almost 4 years later. I run 3 days a week, in addition to strength training 2 to 3 days a week while using my home gym. This was about a $500 investment, but well worth the money So, I would have to say that I love to work out at home. It just fits my lifestyle right now and it's really nice to just walk to a room to workout or just go outside and run around my neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to work out at the gym, there is much more equipment, and joining exercise programs is a great way to have fun while staying in shape and meeting new people. I have a treadmill at home, but that can get pretty boring very quick. Also, having a personal trainer is really great, and I found that I can exercise longer and harder since the trainer ha taught me how to exercise the right way.


Well-Known Member
I rather work out around my home, although the gym has benefits. I live in a college area, and I always see someone jogging and exercising so that alone motivates me.


Well-Known Member
I usually wake up and start doing some push-ups and sit-ups. It's something that has become quite routine for me, so I'm going to go with working out at home. I will say that a gym has a lot more things that I don't have at home, but there's just something about me not having to go out of my way to work out that makes me want to do it even more.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, it is cheaper to work out at home, take a walk or go for a run but the gym does have its advantages. Besides the social aspect, gym staff can show you the correct way to exercise. Not only does this increase your endurance but also lessens the risk of injury. I would suggest taking a couple of sessions with a trainer, to get your technique right so you can exercise effectively at home.


Active Member
I do all my workouts at home. I use my at home gym for strength training. I run and do workout DVD's for my cardio. I feel I get a much better workout at home, because I am not socializing with others and I have no commute to the gym. I started working out at home when I had children. The gym life, especially when my children were very young, was very hard.


Working out at home is great and much cheaper than a gym membership in the long run, but I prefer the gym. I go to a fairly small facility that offers a lot of specialty equipment and knowledgeable trainers to spot me when I need one. I am particularly fond of the "coziness" of it and how it is tucked away with not a lot of annoying members that go there. I would much rather spend time at a gym than work out on my own because not only am I social, but I want to be able to work out with others and encourage each other when working on a PR.


Well-Known Member
The Gym, with friends. By myself home. If I'm motivated to work really hard and I got a good spotter/buddy with me, I can push myself. If not, I tend to just do push ups or crunches/situps.


I prefer home. I'm a pretty shy person and I always feel like everyone is staring or making comments. Although I know that's not true I still can't help but feel this way. Home it is for me.


Well-Known Member
Neither to be honest. Gyms are quite expensive here, $60+ a month, which makes it a bit out of my price range. If I work out at home I often get teased by my husband. I find if I want to work out I need to do it on my own and I need to go somewhere else. Most playgrounds in the area are pretty much unused past 4pm so its easy to use them if I need to do strength training.


Well-Known Member
I think the hardest part about working out is motivating yourself to get to the gym. So I DEFINITELY prefer working out at home. I use an elliptical machine and free weights of various #s of lbs. There's really not many muscles you can work out at the gym that you can't work out at home!

Lazy people need exercise too :p


Active Member
I prefer to work out outside of home, may it be in a gym or a sports complex. I like exercising outside better because if I am at home, I am always tempted to skip exercising and just watch TV or play or surf the internet on the computer. It is also more fun to exercise in the gym because I already have established friends there which I exercise together with when we meet. I am also pushed more in the gym by a trainer and the people that I see who are putting great effort in their exercises.


Active Member
I prefer to work out at the gym because all of my friends with similar goals also hang out there. They motivate me in ways that I could not motivate myself if I were at home. Also, the gym is fairly close to me, so it is not an inconvenience to me to go there everyday. Whenever I am going for a quick workout, I tend to stay at home and go at my own pace.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to work out at home, not only it is more comfortable, but it is also readily available. I tend to work at different schedules, so working out at home gives me flexibility for my tight schedule. Gym membership has benefits too; a lot of people are motivated when they paid for it. The gym has good equipments too, and a trainer to guide you for maximum benefit from workout.