Do you workout in the AM or PM?

I like to do my workouts in the late afternoon, that way I get a chance to fit my meals in accordingly. Also in the pm I'm most mentally prepared to hit the weights.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the time of year. When I'm in school and working, I go in the morning. If I'm on summer break and I'm only working, I go in the afternoon.


Well-Known Member
I really think it doesn't make a big difference, I work ok in the morning or evening, sometimes it's hard to wake up early, other times I am too tired in the evening, but no pain no gain.


Well-Known Member
Mornings..i feel sapped of all energy when i come back from work.I hit it before sun rise..sometimes even before that.
I prefer the evening workout during the weekends where i can exercise at leisure.
It is said that when you work out in empty stomach,your body weight drastically reduces and your muscles grow least thats what i have heard.


Well-Known Member
I work from 8 AM to 5 PM, so I make sure that I work out early in the morning. I get up at around 4:30 A.M. to jog or run depending on my mood. I come home at 6 AM to get ready for work. :)


Well-Known Member
Light cardio in the morning before breakfast is good for burning fats, since your blood sugar is still low. I typically do strength training in the gym thereafter in the late afternoon, before the evening crowd comes in. It's important to have a good lunch so that you will perform and recover well.


Active Member
I do both- I prefer the mornings and that is usually when I get my 3 runs a week in, but I also like evening workouts since I sometimes let the alarm clock slide. I will say that I feel better if I do a morning workout and it's great to know it's over and done with for the day. I have researched morning verses evenings workouts. In doing so, I came across a term called fasted workouts, which states that you tend to burn more fat on an empty stomach and it also helps improve muscle development, as well as increased fat burning benefits. So, I would say, do what works best for you. If you function best in the morning, workout in the morning. If you work best at night, workout in the evening. I believe either way, your doing something that will make you feel better in the long run...


In this day and age, where working full time take most of the hours during the day, we need to workout when time permits. It can be late at night or in the early morning hours. I try to get a workout in whenever I can. Even just before showering I get a few push ups in.


Well-Known Member
What works best for you?
Either think 1) When am I likely going to fit it in or if you have flexible time 2)When do I have the most energy
I usually workout either in the morning to fit it in, or lunchtime to break up sitting at the desk all day.


Well-Known Member
I do both. I like to exercise in the early morning because the weather is just perfect, and I love hearing the birds chirp. I know this sounds cheesy, but it really is a great feeling. At the same time, I like to exercise at night because it's a great way to wind down, plus I shower at night, so that way I can get all sweaty and tired and then take a shower and knock out. But by the time night comes, I'm way too worn out to exercise, which is why I tend to exercise in the AM.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the A.M. for me it's a good way to start the day off. I have more energy during the day as well. I usually don't stay up as late either when I work out during the morning.


Active Member
I work out in the morning because I am more energetic and active at those times. I am a morning person, and I am an early riser because I believe the day would more productive and more activities and tasks can be done when you start the day early. One of these activities is working out and burning those excess calories. It also depends on your daily schedule and lifestyle. I have a daily workout routine and because of my nine-to-five job, I can only squeeze in workout periods in the early morning before going to work. If I schedule it in the night when I get home from work, I cannot because I am too tired and exhausted that I just want to rest and watch some TV.


Active Member
(I'm not a police officer, not sure whether the person who started this thread wants civilian answers, but for what it's worth...) I find it easier to exercise regularly if what I do for exercise is useful, whether it's gardening, a physical labor job, or walking to the post office. For me the time of day doesn't seem to matter much. By nature I'm slightly hyperthyroid; my "bad" health habits balance a high metabolism. Someone who had been clinically hypothyroid for years, however, was able to use the tips in a book called "Maximum Metabolism" to avoid taking medication daily and even slim down to a normal body shape. She says that for her it's very important to get in a light workout, like walking 1-2 miles, before breakfast. Apparently activity on an empty stomach does more to rev up metabolism than activity after eating.


Well-Known Member
I prefer working out in the morning. All except biking, which I prefer to do at night. Just because it gets the juices flowing & amps you up for the day. Which I find more helpful than caffeine.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to work out in the morning; it helps me keep my energy levels high throughout the day. I tend not to be able to sleep immediately when I work out at night; my energy levels keeps on rushing even if it's already late and I need to sleep. But there were times where I needed to work out at night. Even so, I still prefer the morning wo out.