Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?


In most of the countries in Africa,police are well known when it comes to rape while arresting ladies.
I always pity our ladies who suffer a lot that some get infected with very dangerous diseases like aids among others.


Well-Known Member
Only someone with a sick, twisted mind would rape a woman when arresting them. Thing is arresting a woman won't silence her unless you kill her. Quite obviously she'll be quite vocal about having been raped by a police officer. These things are taken very seriously so in many countries cops will not even try to indecently assault a lady they are arresting [even touching the boobs would get them in trouble].
Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?
No, cops are not barbarians.


Active Member
Most cops in the western world are basically decent folk, so although it may be wrong to say it could never happen it would be a very rare thing.

Unfortunately there is massive corruption in some African countries by the authorities. Most of the citizens are decent people just trying to make a living.


Well-Known Member
It really depends on the country. As you've said, some african countries have a really high corruption rate. Cops basically do everything they want because they are the ones who "know better".
Though, in countries where the police is much more nicer I don't think that ever happens. It is really sad that some women get raped while arrested and no one bats an eye.


Well-Known Member
We have seen that happen in TV shows and I am not saying that it doesn't happen in the real world, but should be very rare exceptions, cops are not criminals.


Active Member
I hate corrupt cops at the most. They should have more internal affairs investigation going on. Cops are supposed to protect and serve..

Teens In Crisis

Well-Known Member
Like others have said on the board, I think it depends on the country. The officers I've come into contact with, on both sides of the law, have mostly been dedicated men and women who want to SERVE as much as they want to PROTECT. Lately I've noticed a tremendous amount of officers helping out civilians in situations, not just there to arrest people. You have to remember, people will always talk about the BAD things that happen, but hardly ever do we get major news stories about officers who go out of their way to do something amazing, and that certainly happens more often than not.


Well-Known Member
There are sick people everywhere; therefore it is not a general occurrence that police rape female suspects when arresting them. People will always make up stories if they do know about something. It is necessary to investigate and have proof that it actually happened from the horse’s mouth. It would be very unfortunate if it is actually happening.


Well-Known Member
In western countries they would not get away with this. That is terrible that they are getting away with it in Africa. I hope there are women's rights groups working to stop this, that is just appalling.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps police in other countries can do this, but here in the US there are too many safeguards set in place for this to happen without the officer being caught and charged. It is a sad thing to hear these kinds of stories from other countries. Police are supposed to protect you not harm you. I know many countries suffer from rampant police corruption and have officers who routinely break the law as much as the criminals do.


Well-Known Member
Most cops in the western world are basically decent folk, so although it may be wrong to say it could never happen it would be a very rare thing.

Unfortunately there is massive corruption in some African countries by the authorities. Most of the citizens are decent people just trying to make a living.
Those African countries have always had issues with the authorities being corrupt. They are not decent towards other people. You have corrupt authorities everywhere some areas are worse then others so I am thankful for living in the USA.


Well-Known Member
Yes it surely happens just about everywhere on Earth. Some places a lot more than others. It's sad and unfortunate but you'll never know what a person will become when they're born. And too often they become dangerous criminals.


Well-Known Member
That makes me sad to hear that happening to woman in Africa in that manner. Its sounds like an abuse of power. In the United States it happens. When I was growing up in a small college town there were reports of this happening to females and usually the police officer would get away with the crime. I do not believe this to be normal at all. As I stated I just think there are going to be some officers out there who abuse the power given to them which is sad.


As mentioned I agree that it depends on the country. Also on the individual but I would like to think that most policeman wouldn't do this and I think that in the western world it is unlikely. I am sad and disgusted to hear that the people whom are supposed uphold the law are abusing it and seemingly getting away with it too.


Well-Known Member
In most of the countries in Africa,police are well known when it comes to rape while arresting ladies.
I always pity our ladies who suffer a lot that some get infected with very dangerous diseases like aids among others.
It is very possible that there may be policemen who do in fact rape women when they arrest them. However, I'm positive that it occurs much less often than in Africa. You basically have to be out of your mind to do that and think that you won't get caught and prosecuted. I think workers in a psychiatric ward are more likely to get away with rape than a cop and more likely to do it and that's only if the patients are too deranged (I don't believe that this as happens as often either, but I don't know everything; I just know that no one can say that it doesn't happen at all). The sad fact is that some people are sick and use their authorities in brutal and disgusting ways. That doesn't make them all alike.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a bit of a sweeping statement to assume that police across the continent rape women they arrest. Yes, it may well happen in certain situations, but to tarnish the whole police force in such a way is a dangerous game.

Massive generalizations create dangerous stereotypes that limit the ability to deal with the real issues at hand - e.g. vetting of recruits or societal treatment of women.


I'm sure it happens in Africa. But it doesn't have anything to do with being police. It is the result of widespread misery in the continent that results in those awful things. I wish there was something we could do to help, but there is too much money invested in keeping Africa poor for us to be able to do anything.

As to the question: No I don't think there is an inherent quality in police officers that make them rape women. In fact, most police officers are quite the opposite. You shouldn't generalize based on your own experience.


No, I do not think police rape women. They are evaluated physically and mentally on a regular basis. It takes a real bad person to abuse power for sex.

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
Africa is a specific issue all on its own. The mentality in some of those countries is that the only way to be sure not to get HIV is to have sex with a virgin. Therefore, men (and women) are raping younger and younger children every year. Children are being raped in their classrooms. Some sects purposely rape and impregnate girls/women as a form of ethnic cleansing. I saw a documentary about Swaziland the life expectancy of someone born today is only 35 years, and there is an 80% chance that someone will contract HIV by 15. Some African cultures try to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS by removing the clitoris of young girls. They believe if you remove her sexual stimulation, she will remain loyal to her husband--preventing them from getting HIV.

Also, some of the cultures practice a type of "kidnapping" marriage. Men will kidnap and marry 10-12 year olds, who then have babies too early. This in turn causes problems with their urinary and reproductive tracts, and causes them to be less attractive to their husbands. Men who then go looking for sex with prostitutes or worse.

Africa is a unique situation. The rape is not limited to police. The officers I know and serve in my community are good people and deserve our respect. The ones who are bad do not last long.