How often are you guys working your abs?


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't work them more frequently than every other day.
MOn :20 min run and do ab and butt exercises.I use a 10 pound weight, since weight tones everything up and makes it tight. I do tis every alternative day.Just get your body accustomed to it.


Well-Known Member
I usually workout my abs and obliques three times per week. I have one day that I dedicate to core training and cardio, but when I do abs on my non-core days, I just do it right before I do my cooldown cardio.


Well-Known Member
Working out my abs is included in my daily routine workout, I work out six days a week, so I would say six days out of a week.


Well-Known Member
My question is do you really guys work your abs out?. My father is a police officer and he doesn't have abs (beer belly instead). Or do you really do but the work-out is not enough? My father is in his 40's. He doesn't got to gym. We rarely each other and I don't really ask those kind of questions to him. He's got a big belly and here in Philippines, most police officers have the same.


Well-Known Member
Well just remember, not all Police Officers are in prime shape. I mean most of them just get through the physical training part and then let themselves go. My Dad was never like that and I am pretty sure he can still lift more than me. I usually don't do a lot of ab work, but I run a lot. My abs are already well defined, I suppose if I wanted to go for bulk some day I would work on them more.


Active Member
The best way to get nice abs to focus on working your entire body. Any movement you make your core is beign worked and by working more muscles, you are stimulating the release of certain hormones and you are stimulating your nervous system. You will also burn fat easier, therefore getting a nice set of abs. You don't need to focus on your abs. People with weak bodies have weak abs.