Mugger Threatens to Kidnap 4-year-old Girl if Mom Doesn’t Hand Over Pocketbook


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Sunday night a mother and her daughter were in Elm Park when a mugger walked up to them and threatened to kidnap the 4-year-old during a robbery on Staten Island, police said Thursday.
The 41-year-old woman and her child were on Forest Ave. near Burnside Ave. in Elm Park Sunday night when the 5-foot-5-inch, 200-pound male in his early 30s ran up to her and shoved an object into her back.
“Give me your bag or I’m taking your daughter,†the goon seethed.
The suspect then grabbed the frightened child’s hand.
The mom immediately handed over the bag, which contained her cash, passport and other documents, police said.
The thief took the bag and then ran off. Mother and daughter were not injured, police said.