Samuel L Jackson Just Challenged Celebrities to Call Out the


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  • BOYCOTT samuel l jacksons movies.

    Amazing this guy wants to be able to profile police but god forbid he spreads the word for people to respect the law. I for one am going to boycott everything he does.


Well-Known Member
I think that some white people don't pay attention to the fact that they think black people shouldn't say anything about any kind of wrong done to them. For the OP's argument about what Samuel L. Jackson should be saying instead of what he is saying, not breaking the law is irrelevant, because there's thousands of people from all ethnic groups breaking the law every minute. The idea behind your argument is that if nobody black breaks the law then they won't get killed by the police. It's unreasonable when most people breaking the law are not killed by the police. This site is filled with stories of people breaking the law, and these people are not dead, but in police custody.

They're not paying attention to their train of thought.


I don't see where the OP has in anyway directed his statements towards blacks.He has not suggested that jackson make a statement to only blacks. He said he would like all celebs to standup and say that it is time for people to respect the law. Had either Michael Brown or Erick Garner respected the law they would both most likely still be alive. While the facts in the Michael Brown case may be in dispute, there is no dispute that the entire incidence began with the officer telling him to walk on the sidewalk. All he had to do was walk on the sidewalk and he would probably still be alive. Instead he decided to have a confrontation with the officer which in itself is breaking another law. Eric Garner, his wife calls him lazy and a life long criminal. It is on tape that the officers told him several times to put his hands behind his back. All he had to do was comply and he would probably still be alive today.

I say probably with both Michael Brown and Eric Garner for the following reasons. Michael Brown appears to have a somewhat less than clean lifestyle. So he may have ended up putting himself in a situation where a store owner may have stood up to him with lethal force. I am sure if your mother was the one who was running the store you would have wanted this kid dead. With Eric Garner, this guy was what maybe 250 lbs overweight and had asthma? I am not sure that he had long to go anyway.


Well-Known Member
I support Samuel Jackson and the entertainers need to stand up, they have a big voice in the public and people will listen to their message. It's sad that most of them fear the powers that be and refuse to tell the public the truth.


I'm just tired of this whole "racist police" thing. I understand that police are people, some people are racist, therefore there are some racist police, but the whole conversation suddenly seems to turn into most police are racist. Maybe I'm just defensive. I don't know any cops who wake up in the morning to go to work thinking, "Boy, I can't wait to oppress some black people today."

Jackson doesn't have ill intent, I don't think. I just don't think it's constructive, either. There is absolutely racism in society. But the problems go above and beyond that, and if we're going to just pin all the problems on "racist police" and go home declaring victory, then we're never going to solve the problem.


Yes I agree, I'm not from the US, but I consider unfair to catalog the police as racist, in fact, I believe there should be racist policeman, but they are for sure a minority.

Anyway Samuel L Jackson is a great actor, I love his movies, and have the opinion of the people is always good, celebrity or not.


Well-Known Member
Why should there be racist police? No one wins the race in racism. The people need to wake up and come together, because at the end of the day, it's the so-called elite, the greedy billionaires, and then it's everybody else. Racism is a major distraction. We are all one. All life came from Africa, which is a known fact, so guess what, we are all african, I know that's a hard pills to swallow for some, but it's the truth.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame that in 2015 we as a whole (in the U.S.) have not grown. We can't fix simple issues dealing with race. We are all mixed up here in america, and if we all did DNA test we would find some interesting results. There are many lies that hide behind racism, and this system is build on deception, so they(the powers that be) make sure racism is alive and well, even in these modern times, but it won't last(hopefully).


It's a shame that in 2015 we as a whole (in the U.S.) have not grown. We can't fix simple issues dealing with race. We are all mixed up here in america, and if we all did DNA test we would find some interesting results. There are many lies that hide behind racism, and this system is build on deception, so they(the powers that be) make sure racism is alive and well, even in these modern times, but it won't last(hopefully).
The fact is that by a huge margin, blacks kill blacks. That is a fact. It is a fact that blacks were the first to sell blacks into slavery and it is a fact that a white president abolished slavery. It is a fact that a white congress, president and senate put affirmative into place. What needs to be done is rather then blame crime on race blame it on behavior of the individuals. This debate is going to continue to go on until everyone take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others.


Well-Known Member
I agree all day long with @TheHammer this isn't about color. It's about accountability for one's actions. The race card is played way to much. I personal don't think white people, and black people can co exist in a peaceful manner.


Well-Known Member
Why keep lumping good and bad tomatoes together? We can admit that there have been some issues concerning the police being a bit harsh on people, most people choose to notice just the bad side of cops and shrug off the good that they do. Its true, them being law enforcers was a choice - they weren't obligated to wear the uniform but to keep trying to do good despite what the public has to say about them, takes a lot of heart.Samuel L Jackson is a respected actor but I don't agree him using his fame to stir up an already complicated issue concerning cops and racism.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be a big problem on the way the police apprehends black suspects.I think it's an issue of perception and until we resolve this, we won't move forward. Racism is real and alive in America and we need to acknowledge that fact.