Video: The Dangers of Policing


Staff member
  • VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Sometimes we take for granted the sacrifices police officers make in order to protect our communities. A cop's work is dangerous, demanding, and at many times, unappreciated. But let us remember they are all that stands between the monsters and the weak. Let's take a second and acknowledge their hard work and effort.


Well-Known Member
This is actually quite interesting. I was aware that the police force faced a lot of problems that I didn't really know abut, but I had no idea that there were so many. I also think that there are some issues that weren't addressed in this video.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people out there are not even afraid to attack police officers, the simplest things like stopping cars for a violation turns very ugly. I know a traffic cop that was greeted with a gun to his face before he could ask for the driver's registration. It was in broad daylight too.


Well-Known Member
A agree,it's hard work and cops have a lot to deal with. The problem is not police. The problems are much high on the Todem pole. They have created a environment base around crime, we forget that criminal like minds founded this nation, and we are just a product of this. sad but true.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely important to remember and recognize the important role that police play. At the same time we can't be blinkered towards the few bad apples that give the police a bad name and lead to situations like Ferguson. But give praise where praise is due. And criticize where criticism is justified.


Well-Known Member
I think that this video is great, because more people do need to be aware of all of the dangers that our force go through just to make sure that the general public is safe on a daily basis. I know of a lot of people who have been through injuries because they have been trying to capture somebody in the streets, yet they still never give up because they know that it is the job that they have always wanted to do. I have a huge amount of respect for people who don't give up, because it must be so scary to have an injury, particularly if it is something serious, going back onto the streets and knowing that it could always happen again at any given time. Police officers should take any precaution that they can, because it is always worth trying to take steps to mean that they would be a little bit safer whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
I think this video is a good reminder for everyone that has nothing good to say about cops. That they abuse their authority or they are simply ruthless, I'm not saying that its justified behavior but we also need to consider the idea that they may have gone through numerous intense encounters where they could have just died.

I can't stop shaking my head after watching that video, some of the cops on it looked really terrified and the last clip was just horrible.


Well-Known Member
Am appalled by the senseless killings of the police while on duty. Now i truly understand why police won't hesitate to draw their guns when feeling threatened. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the departed cops.


Well-Known Member
We sometimes forget that police officers put their lives in danger everyday and not anyone is able to do this kind of job.
I feel that people don't respect the hard work the law enforcement does.