Recent content by jlee658

  1. J

    Fire all members of Congress

    Got my vote, throw everyone of them out! You would have to be an idiot to think any of those guys in DC are worried about Americans.
  2. J

    Unfair speeding ticket

    The other night I was driving down the highway following another car that was in front of me that was going really fast. I turned off the road and a police officer pulled me over. I said to the cop the other guy was speeding too and he said he knows. But I got the speeding ticket, I think it's...
  3. J

    When I call 911

    Do I have to give the operator my name when I call 911?
  4. J

    Can I choose

    I will be going to the NYPD Academy in the fall and I wanted to know when I finish there can I choose the precinct that I would like to go to?
  5. J

    I just saw this movie for the first time

    Who the fuck are you shitwad?! That is my favorite scene in the movie.
  6. J

    6/8/13 George Zimmerman

    I'm so glad I don't live close to that courthouse. It's going to be a zoo over there!
  7. J

    Should I go to the police?

    Three weeks ago I sold my friend a laptop and he promised he would pay a week later. He said he was waiting to get paid from his job so I said it's ok. It's been over a month now and he still hasn't paid me. He has been avoiding my calls and I even went to his house a couple of times but he...
  8. J

    PA Knife laws

    I want to learn about PA knife laws. I was having a discussion recently with a few friends who think they know about most laws. They told me that you can have any kind of knife other than a ballistic or butterfly. They said the knife had to be visible while carrying it. I'm not looking for any...
  9. J

    I was at the mall last night

    I was at the mall last night. When I was getting out of the parking spot, I put it in reverse and felt a little bump and noticed that I had left a little scratch on the other car. I got really scared and I left without leaving a note with my info. This morning I decided that I would go file a...
  10. J

    Question about ammunition

    Question about ammunition. Do cops get to use their personal preference or do they have to use department issued ammo?
  11. J

    Can a person that is currently on medication for anxiety be a police officer?

    Can a person that is currently on medication for anxiety be a police officer?
  12. J

    Who can I contact to report a possible online fraud?

    Who can I contact to report a possible online fraud? Thanks.
  13. J


    When you catch a teenager with some fireworks do you bring him in or just take the fireworks and let him go?
  14. J

    specialized unit

    Are there advantages to joining a specialized unit? Thanks in advance.
  15. J

    Dangerous experience you encountered

    What was the most dangerous experience you encountered while you were on duty?