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    I wanted to know if pre workout supplements that contain things such as beta alanine and creatine okay to use if you're planning on becoming a police officer?
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    Hi everyone. I started doing Insanity about month ago. Just wanted to ask if anybody else has tried it, did it work for you? I can tell my cardio has improved a good amount in just the short time I've been doing it.
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    What You need To know About Whey

    Image: This show I cover whey protein. If you think you know whey. What makes whey unique from ALL other proteins tested? What's the major differences between isolates and concentrates you need to know?
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    Crossfit at the academy

    I am will be applying next year to the State Police and I have begun physically preparing myself. Someone told me they do a lot of crossfit at the academy. I was wondering if this includes olympic lifts and gymnastics? I can deal with the pushups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, but in order to do the...
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    Can I report harassment if it was done by a phone call?

    Can I report harassment if it was done by a phone call? I was dating this guy for about two weeks and it just didn't work out. Now he will just call me five times a day. What can I do?
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    High Intensity Interval Training

    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), overrated or the optimal form of exercise? (