Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency declared


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Rock-throwing protesters have clashed with police in Baltimore following the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died in police custody more than a week ago.


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Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

A terrible tragedy here as another crooked cop beats murder. I think there should be more done besides burning buildings and throwing rocks. I feel sorry for the good cops out there but retaliation should be taken place. An eye for an eye is how I see it now.


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Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

Its a shame that people think like you ^^ there is never going to be any progress in the world with an "eye for an eye" attitude. If people are going to be violent and use excessive force towards a police officer its obvious they will use the same amount of force back or more if that's what it takes and if that causes trauma then maybe they should have just been co-operative in the first place. Looting your own stores and burning down your own buildings is not affecting anyone but the ones who live there, so what's the sense? I don't feel bad for those people who are destroying their own town, I do feel bad however for the peaceful protesters who every right to voice their concern. Its just a sad tragedy all around.


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Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

Protesting is a waste of time. It gets nothing done. People or minorities need to start fighting back. I'm sure the police will get the point after that. If it was a white guy who got murdered this way, you'll be saying something different.


Active Member
Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

Protesting is a waste of time. It gets nothing done. People or minorities need to start fighting back. I'm sure the police will get the point after that. If it was a white guy who got murdered this way, you'll be saying something different.

Except that is historically untrue. If you look at the civil rights movement, it was the large protests, the peaceful marches that were met with police violence that was the catalyst for change. The actions of militant groups did nothing but harm the movement. The major problem is the media has stopped paying attention to large, peaceful protests. There is only coverage when violence breaks out. Since the mainstream media essentially sets the narrative for these kinds of events, when we are shown only the violence that takes place and not the peaceful protests and marches, even by so called liberal media sources, that's what the rest of the nation sees because most don't take the time and fact-check or dig a bit deeper.

So instead of the peaceful protest, we see the violent riots and people think to themselves, "Well if that's what's going on, then the police response must be justified." When, in reality, the rioting is just the build-up of frustration from not being heard. I forget who said it but there is a quote, "Rioting and violence is the voice of the unheard and the unnoticed." Or something like that, and it's true. I can almost guarantee that if the peaceful protests were shown in the media, if they were given attention and debates were sparked among the national and state leadership, these things would degenerate into violence MUCH less often than they do now.


Active Member
Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

The National Guard definitely is not happy stay there for long. Time and so things can calm down. Individuals are incredibly frustrated about this and eventually were going to probably break out in a riot anyway. The police don't seem to have any respect for the people that live in this area simply because they are impoverished and ignorant of the law. But it's not their fault that their improper and ignorant of the law the system is built to fail.


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Re: Article: Baltimore Riots: Buildings on fire, stores looted, state of emergency de

I just hope that in five or ten years time we look back on this period as a seminal period for race relations and the dynamics of police power. Society can't keep having this kind of debate and conversation without there being change. And change has to be lasting, not just some short-term papering over the cracks. I do believe that things are getting better. Gradually. But getting better.