Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?


Well-Known Member
I recently came across a copy of all three stanzas of our national anthem. I was shocked to realize that I only knew the words to the first stanza and could barely remember the other two. When I was in school we used to sing the complete anthem in two different languages.


Well-Known Member
I was actually surprised to hear the national anthem sang in my native language. People are so good at translating into several languages. I am able to sing the national anthem when sang along with others. We used to say the national anthem every day when we were in high school.


Well-Known Member
Not really, I can only hum the tune. In my defense my national anthem is not in my native tongue.

Teens In Crisis

Well-Known Member
I am ashamed to say that I am not that familiar with the lyrics of the American national anthem. I guess I should know it a little better than I do, but I don't know many song lyrics, and I don't exactly sing it on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
I'm British and can safely say I only know the first line of the national anthem. It's not something we ever sang at school (it's just not done in British schools) and I've only ever seen it at big national sporting events. I don't really feel bad because a very, very small percentage of the population would be able to tell you the words.


I was born in Venezuela, and the National Anthem is really, really long. For official purposes we have a shortened version, which I do know all the words to. Latin American anthems are very emotional and patriotic, which is why I find them beautiful. My personal favorite is Uruguay's. If you haven't heard it, go check it out on youtube. It will change your view on National Anthems.


Of course, I know every word. My grandfather taught me even before they taught me in school. I was pretty cool that day in 1st grade. I have never forgotten a single word, you have to go to a sporting event and sing it with all those people. The pride for our great country always swells in me.


Well-Known Member
Oh absolutely. Singing it for almost two decades helps one memorize the national anthem, you know. But I remember one time when I was still in elementary school, our teacher suddenly asked us to write down the lyrics of the national anthem. Not a single one of us got it perfect.


Well-Known Member
I am a proud rotaractor and we emphasize on knowing our anthem completely because it has got many a meanings attached to it and that is the primary reason i know it completely.
We should take pride in it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know it all, only the most well-known lyrics, as our national anthem is long as hell, and it would be a pain in the arse to memorize it all.


Well-Known Member
I don't know it all, only the most well-known lyrics, as our national anthem is long as hell, and it would be a pain in the arse to memorize it all.
That ain't the attitude and seriously..?? Pain in the arse.??
Wrong choice of words bruh..
Give it a try and you will get a different feeling of it.Try..!@!


Well-Known Member
Yep! Canadian anthem here and I know it in both English and French. Admittedly, it's the only french I know at this point lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes i do. I consider myself a patriot and it comes without saying that the national anthem is something that one needs to master very well.


Well-Known Member
I only know one verse of God Save The Queen but we learnt "La Marseillaise" in French classes at school and I can still remember every word 20 years later!


Active Member
I think I know the majority of the words when I hear the music I'm capable of actually saying it but to be honest with you it's amazing that they make other individuals remember the stub to gain citizenship when the common everyday American doesn't even know the politician the representative city or area. For instance asked me to name my main areas and I couldn't tell you if I wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I can actually say that I know all the words in our national anthem since the song itself is not that long and pretty easy to remember. I have sung it for about 20 years since kindergarten, so there's no way I could ever forget it.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately 'God Save the Queen' is easy to remember so, yes I do know all the words. I still like watching footballers mouth their way through it when it's played at the beginning of an international game.


Well-Known Member
Yes..i know every word in it and the meaning too.Surprisingly it was a bunch of school children who taught us the meanings we didn't know.Only at that moment did we realize the importance of knowing our anthem and meaning fully.
Proud to be an Indian.
Every other citizen obviously will be proud of his nation and his nation and that makes the world evolve.


Well-Known Member
Yes, actually. The romanian anthem is not very long (8 official parts I think) and is easy to learn.
It's also one of the most beautiful anthems in the world, composed by one of our brightest minds.