If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?


Well-Known Member
I have been watching friends and relatives grow old and all they complain about is old age afflictions. If current trends in technology are anything to go by, I would invest in medical technologies like the ones that aim to cure Alzheimer’s disease or replace worn out body parts.


Well-Known Member
If I became a multi-billionaire over night then half of my money would be going into my savings account. The other half would be used so that I could build a missionary team to travel to different developing countries and help out communities all around the world. That's my dream job for sure, and with the money that I'm not spending on projects would allow me to live comfortably and without trouble (I don't need luxury, just stability).

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
I always thought I would buy a big hotel, like the casinos in Vegas or Atlantic City, but not for the reason you think. I would convert it into a homeless shelter for families, provide food in the restaurants, and provide other services as well. In order to stay there, the families would have to do some duties such as cooking or cleaning. I would provide educational services for GED and college completion as well as job fairs and day care. In my state, a homeless women is only permitted to bring one child into the shelter. That child must be a girl of any age or a boy under the age of eight years old. To me that is not helping families, that is hurting them. I could try to find a way to rectify that situation.


Well-Known Member
I would set up a home for abandoned babies and build a home for me in the premises as well. I would ensure that there is a good school where these kids can go to. There are very many bright kids whose life goes to waste because they have no helping hand. I admire the director of a home that I volunteer in for making it possible for dreams to come true for these kids. Bring on the money I get started!


Well-Known Member
I would build my dream businesses: a restaurant and a gym. What's left would go to savings and probably other paper investments. I'd also use part of it to travel and experience the culture of different countries.


Well-Known Member
A bucket list is on the verge of completion and for now
1.A bentley Continental GT-Spd
2.A new bungalow in a posh area
3.as much as i get i would love to give something away..A $2-3 million to orphanage homes or for any school of disabilities.
I would make sure that multi-million dollar prize was given to me in cash, small denominations only. The way our society is progressing, credit will be obsolete and pointless. Once the collapse of our monetary system occurs, we will eventually go back to the barter system (I believe) and cash will once again be valuable. Any how, I would buy one of those secret underground condos in the Midwest that cost roughly $1 million and enjoy my time underground.


Well-Known Member
I would make sure that multi-million dollar prize was given to me in cash, small denominations only. The way our society is progressing, credit will be obsolete and pointless. Once the collapse of our monetary system occurs, we will eventually go back to the barter system (I believe) and cash will once again be valuable. Any how, I would buy one of those secret underground condos in the Midwest that cost roughly $1 million and enjoy my time underground.
Wat..?? I couldn't understand one wee bit of it.I am starting to think if i am an imbecile now.
Ahh..I get that last point but not the others..Can u brief me more on this..?


Well-Known Member
Invest my money for then having more money, investing in my financial education, doing things I've never done, live life, help others, travel and stuff, but about all invest in my happiness is the most important.


Well-Known Member
Build up a business, build up a nice mansion on my plot of land that I've been meaning to build for a few years now, but couldn't due to having to spend money on other things.

Also, donate a good part of my money to several charities and to select science researching projects.


Well-Known Member
I would buy a small home on the water, put the rest away and just breathe. I would likely use it to help others as much as possible. In ways that DO help. I won't give it to charities, but go straight to those in need. And of course, I would put a huge lot of it away for my kids and eventual grandchildren.


Well-Known Member
Ok.Honest reply here.:p
I would keep 70% of it for my future spending's and then donate 25% of it to the needy,like an orphanage or a home of sorts.The rest 5% i would use it to satisfy my immediate needs,but yeah gimme the monies first,lets talk abt all these later.:p


Well-Known Member
I really don't know, I think I would not buy anything immediately, but I would start to look for another place to live and I would start travelling, see the world! :)


Well-Known Member
A few million doesn't go that far anymore, but I would pay off the mortgage and but a place near the sea where I could write. I do have a wish to set up a retreat too which would be self-sustaining for the community and also open my own tea shop and bake cakes and pies.