is it enough money?


I'm 17 years old and will be heading to college in the fall. I'm thinking about becoming a police officer and I have a couple of questions. Does being a police officer take a toll on your family life? Do you find the pay is enough to pay for all of your bills and have extra money for having fun?


Well-Known Member
You are not going to make alot of money. You can have a house and car, however just like anybody else you have to live within your means.


Well-Known Member
Police men and women are the same as anyone else earning an average salary, although they do have benefits that some private companies may not offer. You should be able to pay all your bills if you stick to a budget.


Well-Known Member
Police make pretty good money, but nothing spectacular. I know a couple families where the dad is a cop and they are doing alright, but they are not wealthy.

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
My father was an officer, but he worked long hours. He was killed off duty when I was very young. It certainly does take a toll on the family--you must have a spouse who is willing to understand the shifts and the uncertainty he might not return home. As far as pay, it is okay, but depends on where you are and if you are local or state. In NJ, I know state troopers who make about 25k more than I do. And my pay is pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I think that for the risk and responsibility police officers take, it's never enough money, but realistically speaking, it's enough to make a living.