Is it getting harder to buy guns an ammuntion where you live?


I live in FLorida, and most of the shelf's have been wiped clean, the AR's and AK's are now going for 3 or 4 thousand, when before they were 12 to 15 hundred. But I went to the store, during lunch and the guy there had an AK-47 for 800 dollars, I ran to the bank and drained my bank account to purchase it, with the mounting rail, and taxes, it came up to 879.80... I still think I got a pretty good deal on it, and it's value will only increase.


It is always about the timing. Look at the housing market, some people got rich off of properties while others lost their shirts. What you you pay for it today may be a good price and it could drop like a rock 6 months from now when people get over the gun control craze.


I can't wait until the AR bubble bursts, I'm going to get a slightly used one so cheap...

, I don't know why I would need one, I can just stick a shotgun out the door and start blasting away... no problem there.


Well-Known Member
What if nothing changes and the value drops back down to $600. I was working at a gun store when Obama was first elected. In about a week $700 Olympic AR's were going for $1600 and colt's were into the $2300 range. After about 5 or 6 months they were back to their original prices.


It's insane here. I went to the biggest gun store in the city last week hoping to find ammo. I happened to get lucky and get there after a shipment. I was there at noon on Friday and was able to get pretty much whatever I wanted.

My friend called the next day, they were sold out of everything except some of the hunting rifle calibers like 7mm.

Forget AR's. I did see about a half dozen SKS rifles, and a couple AK's. They had an entire 100 ft wall filled with bolt guns and all sorts of shotguns though.