Kangaroo was just hopping around


Well-Known Member
lol i would probably crawl out of my skin if I saw a random kangaroo just walking around. I freak out if I see a deer or a opossum.


Well-Known Member
They get that big ? The ones I see on the wild life channel are small little things. Actually maybe they were 5 ft the ones I saw on TV but 200 lbs ?!


Well-Known Member
Good lord, didn't know they could get THAT big. I would probably just s*** my pants and start running away faster than Usain Bolt. I hope they put it in a zoo or something so people can see how big them fools get.


Well-Known Member
It is amazing when out of ordinary things happen. I guess life can get so routine that when we see a kangaroo hopping around we remember to breathe deeply. Is it just me or does it seem like hours keep rushing by? We enjoyed the weekend the other day and here is the next one knocking on the door!


Well-Known Member
is it just me or anyone else,who feels that they are unable to read the article.
I mean i even tried cTRL+F with the title,but it just doesn't pop up.Looks like there are a plenty.Can you get me a link where i can actually read it..??