Man Charged with Threatening Police on Twitter


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Police in St. Louis arrested 35-year-old Jason Valentine and charged him with 10 counts of making a terrorist threat meant to scare St. Louis residents. Valentine is suspected of making threats against St. Louis police and the St. Louis City Justice Center on Twitter.

According to the police report, Valentine allegedly tweeted about "Kill a pig Night" throughout the month of December. He also tweeted there would be an explosion at the Justice Center on New Years Eve.

"St. Louis City Justice Center Mysteriously Exploded 12/31/2014," one tweet stated, according to authorities. Another tweet read, "New Years Eve Massacre Kill A Pig Night."


Authorities also said there were numerous tweets mentioned about the incident in Ferguson: The shooting of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014, an 18-year-old black man, who was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, 28, a white Ferguson police officer.

Valentine is currently being held on a $100,000 cash only bail.


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Well-Known Member
Why do stupid people like this exist in the world? Note to everyone who is taking the Ferguson case as a personal offense, inciting violence to the police is going to do nothing in the end put get more people killed.


Well-Known Member
Oh, boy. This kind of a guy talks like this in daily life. He is going to announce it on twitter? Testing freedom of speech I guess. Not a smart speech either. He is taking the Ferguson thing and making it personal for himself. It is an odd mindset.


Well-Known Member
How ignorant can he be, so he thought he could do this on Twitter and get away with it? A lesson to everyone!


Well-Known Member
When will people realize that putting insults down on Twitter or anywhere on social media is no different to shouting it out at someone in the street? Actually, it's slightly different. It's more cowardly.


Well-Known Member
Where's the tweet that says: "St. Louis City Justice Center Mysteriously Exploded on 12/31/2014?"

Why didn't the article post the tweet on that?

And come on, a 100K bond over a silly senseless rant?

Has everybody gone mad?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they think that by sitting behind the computer they are safe, so guess again, they are not and this is a good example.


Well-Known Member
I will never be able to understand just why people feel as though it is the right thing to do to threaten a police officer. They should know that if they were in any kind of danger, the police would do everything that they could in order to protect them, yet for some reason they feel it right to talk to them in the way that so many people do these days. Well, it simply isn't right at all, and it is unacceptable. This crime should be punished even more heavily, so that people know that it is something that they simply shouldn't do.


Well-Known Member
Just looking at this sentence "New Years Eve Massacre Kill A Pig Night" makes it look really scary, how much anger can he have?


Well-Known Member
I think a stiff penalty would be in order to deter other like minded hooligans who turn to social media to spread hate,issue threats and generally cause anxiety.It's time we finally put a stop to this practice of using social media to perpetrate hatred and fear.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhh stupidity at its finest! Just last week a local man in my area was arrested for threatening police via facebook. I mean do these people not know what you put on the internet becomes public most times? Dumb, Da Dumb, DUMB!


Well-Known Member
This man is so full of hatred that he is not aware of the consequences of his actions. He should have sort help from a professional instead of provoking the police. He has a chance to get over this anger when he is held in custody. It is so sad for a young person to be full of bitterness.