Recent content by Popcorn365

  1. Popcorn365

    J walking

    I wish they would issue citations for it in my town. We have a beautiful downtown area with crosswalks and the walk lights at ever corner and people decide to not use them. The main problem is that when the businesses get shipments in (multiple times a day) combined with street parking, the...
  2. Popcorn365

    The F.B.I. does racial profiling, but do local police?

    I know my town is predominately a Caucasian area and unfortunately if you are not Caucasian, you are targeted. I think here though, its not so much the police doing the profiling as it is the general public calling in complaints against non Caucasians for stupid stuff... I was in a store once...
  3. Popcorn365

    Holiday Drunk Drivers

    I agree. Everyone knows they have been drinking because they made the conscious decision to drink; however, I don't think a lot of people realize how the alcohol has affected their senses and they think they are fine. My husband and I don't drink very often but we do indulge more around the...
  4. Popcorn365

    Kids Who Get In Trouble

    I love what you posted!! I was a single mom for many years and my daughter is so unbelievable caring and kind. I've raised her to love. Parenting is a hard task and as she gets older, it only gets more difficult. I think any child can get into trouble regardless of what type of home they came from.
  5. Popcorn365

    Free food and drinks, as well as other perks?

    I personally, have never noticed this practice but I think that it is awesome! I know there has been a ton of negative media regarding cops in the news lately but I do not think that the negative is the norm. I often am puzzled why celebrities and sports stars are paid so much and the people...
  6. Popcorn365

    Man charged with DUI on shopping cart

    Wow. This is a rather bizarre story. Obviously the man has some problems with alcohol and the officer did the right thing because you can really hurt someone with those motorized shopping carts. Hopefully this man will realize that he has a problem and get help.
  7. Popcorn365

    Teenager Rapes & Kills 6 year old

    This is sick. That poor poor baby. My oldest is six and I can't imagine something like this. That poor girls family must be devastated. May whoever did this to this poor girl rot. There is no excuse for something like this to ever happen.
  8. Popcorn365

    Calls 911 for a Date

    This is either a major attention seeker or someone that really needs help of some kind and didn't know how to get it. I never know what to think when I hear about this type of thing.
  9. Popcorn365

    NJ Woman Throws Baby/Self into Ocean

    I just don't understand this. There are a number of legal, non harmful ways to give up your baby if you can't deal with it. Adoption, the fire station, hospitals, the police station. I don't understand why people do this. There are nights that I feel like I'm at my breaking point (usually after...
  10. Popcorn365

    What is with the moms killing their babies?

    I think this type of thing has always been going on but technology has allowed people more access to these stories than ever before. These women are sick and need help and my heart just breaks for those poor babies. I know I have days where I'm extremely overwhelmed and sleep deprived but I...
  11. Popcorn365

    Man beaten over wrong cup of coffee

    This is terrible. I understand that people can have a bad day but this is extreme. I wonder what the folks in this person's personal life are having to deal with at the hands of this guy. This is scary to say the least. I think some severe anger management is in order before this guys does more...
  12. Popcorn365

    Ohio Man Admits to killing pregnant girlfriend

    This makes me so sad and it seems we are hearing about this kind of thing more and more. I had a baby 5 months ago and I just can't even imagine...The case that still gets me every time I think about this thing is Scott and Lacey Peterson...I just makes me sick
  13. Popcorn365

    Woman fends off would-be rapist with frying pan

    This is a nice post to see. To often we hear of the opposite outcome where things turned out very badly. It is nice to see a story where the outcome was a good one. I'm very glad this woman was able to defend herself!
  14. Popcorn365

    Can I smash a car window to save a dog trapped and dying in an overheating car?

    Legally they could sue you in a civil suit for damages caused from you breaking their windows. I don't really think their case would have much bearing however due to the nature of the incident. It would be along the lines of destruction of private property.
  15. Popcorn365

    Pressing Charges as an Adult...

    This is completely dependent on the state in which you live. In some states like New York you only have 5 years past your 18th birthday and in others your have 10. Florida, as do a few other states, has both a criminal and civil sexual abuse statute of limitations and they have very different...