Recent content by Waynefire

  1. Waynefire

    Should police be allowed to get overweight?

    Personally, I know way to many cops who have heart attacks or other issues related to their weight. So some standard of physical fitness would be helpful.
  2. Waynefire

    What To Do With Kids Who Commit Crimes?

    I think this really depends on the situation. I know some cops that will be hard as nails on the kids to correct them, but other times it deserves a little bit of compassion. So it really is situation dependent because it can vary so much from kid to kid.
  3. Waynefire

    Facebook Post Prompts Mom to Turn in Son

    I am glad to see that some parents still care enough to turn in their kids when they do wrong. I know so many parents that would not want to turn in their kids for anything. I just think that is wrong, if they have done something wrong, they need to learn the lesson to keep from repeating it.
  4. Waynefire

    Canadian Police Foil Shooting Plot

    I seen this on the news today. I cannot believe that someone would want to do that in Canada of all places. I would believe in the United States this would be more common place, but with all the terrorism in the world today I have learned that nothing should shock me. What is even worse is...
  5. Waynefire


    I would like to introduce myself. I am a disabled firefighter who had to take a disability retirement because I broke my back in the line of duty. I look forward to learning all that I can here at the forum.