Search results

  1. Fury

    What are your views on all cops having to wear a camera while on duty?

    Not a cop, but I really like the idea. Seems to me that it would give the few bad cops a reason to shape up their act, and it would give good cops a bit of security in knowing that if somebody screamed foul they could prove they acted within their rights.
  2. Fury

    How old are most students who typically enter a police academy?

    I've never seriously considered being a police officer, and I figure most people who want to become police officers are younger than university age. Looks like my degree is pretty worthless, though, so anything is an option at this point.
  3. Fury

    (Canada) Is it true officers don't often convict for marijuana possession?

    I've heard along the grapevine that in Canada (Eastern Canada) is a cop stumbles onto you with a reasonable amount of weed (think a joint) while you're not causing any trouble (ex. In a secluded location, not driving, not making a lot of noise, nowhere where you'd expect children to find you...
  4. Fury

    Can the forum be expanded to incorporate other continents?

    Agreed! Or at least other countries. I'd love to ask some Canadian officers some questions!