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  1. jeremy2

    To pull the trigger or not?

    Am fully aware of the dangers you guys face in your daily routine but i got to ask,what goes on in your mind in those final, mind boggling seconds before you pull the trigger? Is your conscience rattled by that life changing act?
  2. jeremy2

    Defeat justice?

    When a cop conspires to defeat justice by concealing evidence, should he be left off the hook by a court of law by a being issued with a simple warning or should he stand full trial and face the full face of the law?
  3. jeremy2

    Why do cops go rogue?

    I have seen on news channels cases of good cop going bad.This could happen when a cop with a distinguished record all over sudden commits a crime and instead of turning himself in,decides to evade justice resulting in an arrest warrant being issued with a note claiming he's armed and...
  4. jeremy2

    Foreign workers

    Are foreigners eligible to join the police force? If so, what criteria is used to vet them and do they undergo the same type of training as the citizens of that country?
  5. jeremy2

    Inter agency relationship

    How do you ensure that the different agencies have a cordial working relationship all geared towards the same goal and that you usually work as team whenever there's a crisis? How do you ensure that there's no competition and that the rules governing the force are adhered to?
  6. jeremy2

    Stun grenade

    Under which circumstance are cops allowed to use stun grenades especially if in a hostage situation and there is the likelihood of fatalities assuming the location is in a residential area?
  7. jeremy2

    Community service.

    Are cops entitled to give back to society in the sense that can they be involved in tasks not related to security issues like cleaning up the local church?
  8. jeremy2

    Nice to meet you!

    My name is jeremy and am thrilled on joining you in this forum. I have always been fascinated by police work ever since i was in 3rd grade so i hope to get to learn more while am here.