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    Police officer keeps job despite spitting on teenager

    The former police chief called inhumane and recommended that the officer should be fired, but he was over ruled. Former police chief calls officer's spitting 'inhumane'ASHEVILLE — The city's former police chief says he wanted to fire an officer accused of spitting on a teenager but worried...
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    Mark Twain grave plaque

    I did not know it was stolen but good news for people who are a fan of Mark Twain. The Mark Twain plaque stolen from a monument at Elmira's Woodlawn Cemetery was recovered Saturday in good condition, Elmira police said. No arrests were reported and police released no details on how it was...
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    Former cop compares police who kill mentally ill suspects to nazis

    A Columbia University-hosted panel billed as “improving police-community relations†turned into a cop hate fest Thursday, with one former transit detective comparing cops who kill violent, mentally ill suspects to the Nazis. In addition, civil-rights lawyer Norman Siegel estimated there...
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    Ferguson police testing 'less lethal' gun attachment;

    The police are working on getting better equipment to deal with riots and civil disturbances. This will stop the criminals in their tracks. Ferguson police are testing new methods of incapacitating suspects — six months after a highly controversial police shooting involving one of their...
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    Philippine mourning for slain police

    A tragic day for all police officers, even in NYC they are mourning their fellow police officers. The Philippines is holding a day of mourning for 44 police commandos killed in a clash with Muslim rebels. The bodies of those who died were returned to Manila on Thursday. They were honoured on...
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    Which is a better round, 9mm or 45 ?

    This is a debate which has gone on for a long time. Which is a better round ? The 9mm round has the advantage that it is smaller, so there is a greater magazine capacity. Also since the round is smaller, there is less recoil, which means it is easier to bring the gun back on target. The...
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    Is police brutality really getting worse ?

    The newsmedia constantly portrays police using excessive amounts of force. But I wonder if the media is showing the exception as opposed to the rule. The media never shows when the police use restraint. Do you think police brutality is actually getting worse ?
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    What is the most popular hand gun amount law enforcement ?

    Traditionally the 38 revolver was the most popular gun with law enforment official, until maybe 30 years ago. Then law enforcement started to switch over to pistols. Are the some law enforcement officials who still use revolvers ? If so why ? What is the most popular pistol that law enforcement...
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    How do police deal with stress on thier jobs ?

    Being a law enforcement official is a very stressful job, you see people at their absolute worst. How do you manage to deal with stress ? Do you sometimes get a negative view of humamity ? How do you manage to leave your problems at work ? Personally I would have a problem dealing with these...
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    Family Outraged After North Miami Beach Police Use Mug Shots as Shooting Targets

    Should police be allowed to use mugshots for target practice ? A South Florida family is outraged at North Miami Beach Police after mug shots of African American men were used at a shooting range for police training. It was an ordinary Saturday morning last month when Sgt. Valerie Deant...