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  1. T

    Accident investigations

    Yeah, when you have a giant metal machine colliding with other fast moving machines then physics demands that one or both have to have a consequences.
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    What are the advantages of being a neighbor of a police officer?

    Well, always having someone to go to and someone who can and will protect would be very reassuring.
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    Mississippi Girl Burned Alive

    One of the absolute worst ways to go in my opinion. How could any body even contemplate this?
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    Akron Police seek serial pooper who has been defecating on cars

    This is really gross but also kind hilarious at the same time.
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    Would you rather go to jail for a year or live in your car for a year?

    My car. I really like the option of leaving.
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    Do you feel unsafe as a woman?

    I'm a guy and I am pretty much always afraid at night. I live alone, so that doesn't help. It isn't hard to relate to the feeling that women get when they feel unsafe.
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    Should we cry for perpetrators who are beaten in custody?

    Cry for them? No. But they shouldn't be beaten regardless of the crime. That is not how the system should work.
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    Craziest Arrests Ever Made?

    Do you have a source for this? This sounds pretty hilarious.
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    I was backing up out of a parking spot

    Wait, what? It's completely under the control of the on scene police officer and not the insurance company? That seems a little sideways.
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    Greetings! Welcome to the party. I too have some substance abuse treatment experience and I hope to see you around.
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    How to spot an undercover cop car?

    Some officers are just incredibly obvious in the way they act. They are staring at a whole lot of things really intently and just giving off a really intense vibe.
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    Woman got naked at Dunkin’ Donuts on a dare, police say

    Stupidity that I'm sure will get passed off as bravery.
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    Stun grenade

    Well, here's the issues with grenades, they go everywhere. That means that they could harm any or all potential bystanders with the blast. A huge liability.
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    Should we work to develop stun guns?

    Yes, or some other form on non-lethal attack that is fast enough to use on a charging opponent. I think a lot of the flak that cops get as of now is due to excessive gun usage.
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    In addition to the sex talk

    I would probably break the ice with this first, and then go into THE TALK.
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    Video: Police: Slain Officer a Hero in Recent Shooting

    I think it should be mandatory that police officers be required to wear some level of bulletproof protection. Is there nothing small and lightweight enough that could have helped in a situation like this?
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    Officer Rescues Elderly Couple From Burning Home

    Why can't this be more public? The police need a better rap than what they have now.
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    Man Calls 911 To Report Wife Stole His Cocaine

    But here's the thing about drugs, they are just like bearer bonds. Whoever actually holds them is the one who is gonna get fucked. Kinda funny now that I think about it.
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    As an officer have you witness the paranormal?

    I think that many cops who think they have seen the other-worldly would probably keep it to themselves for fear of ridicule.
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    What happens to pedophiles, sex offenders and child molestors in prison?

    I believe that if the general population finds out that there is a child rapist in their midst, they get pretty angry. I know that sexual assault and beatings are not uncommon.