Search results

  1. PrideKidd

    Favorite Super Hero?

    I'm going to have to go with...The Doctor who saved my life. I was in a sled riding accident when I was 16. I was going down a hill all the kids played on, I went down the hill, hit the ramp we made and was sent flying towards a parked car. I smashed into that car with such force it broke C3 &...
  2. PrideKidd

    5 positive posts a day

    I can surely get on board with this idea! I believe you are right, there are too many negative things in the world, a little positive posting can be a great thing. I can say here is a funny one I cannot post the link yet but it is on instagram & search "Cops Found Coke In...
  3. PrideKidd

    100-Year-Old Man Kills Wife With Ax

    This is one story that saddens my heart. Think of how many years of marriage they spent together loving each other. I agree with the posters who said maybe he thought he would be alone, or she alone and could not handle the thought of it. It is quite clear the man obviously had some sort of...
  4. PrideKidd

    Hi everybody.

    Welcome to the forum Coral! Since I have joined this forum I have been treated very good by the people who post here. I like to think we are a welcoming bunch. Have a look around, reply to some threads and make some of your own, its fun! Again welcome, and see you in future posts. :)
  5. PrideKidd

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    I would say there are two different ones that get a number one spot in my book. One, I would cure cancer, I lost both grandmothers, and one aunt to that disease alone. It also took the lives of my husbands family, before I could ever even meet them. It's almost sad when you compare the...
  6. PrideKidd

    Would you do it?

    I agree with Joan here. If it something as a speeding ticket which police officers sometimes let people off with a warning, I could see no reason not to give a friend a warning. If the crime is something much worse than it would be a conflict of interest. I would have to see what the crime was...
  7. PrideKidd

    Walmart parking lot gunfight

    @LadyOfTheLake I cannot get that tune out of my head now, thank you. lol. I have seen multiple fights in Walmart parking lots over the years while I worked at a few. I can not believe they would have a shoot out with the police though, how stupid can you get? Walmart Parking lots or any parking...
  8. PrideKidd

    AZ woman acquitted after 22 years on Death Row

    I feel so bad for this woman. She not only lost her son but was incarcerated for 22 years on death row. I can not even imagine what it would be like to lose your son then your life. I am glad for this lady, she deserves more justice than just being let go. I mean 22 years of being in jail for a...
  9. PrideKidd

    Shootings In Small College Town

    Hello Police Officers, I am currently living in a small college town in Pennsylvania. There was another two shootings here this past week. I am almost afraid to leave my apartment at night. In November there was a shooting fatality not more than three blocks away. This second two shootings took...
  10. PrideKidd

    Online Safety

    I agree that you need to keep your personal life safe guarded while being online. If I would not have opened up myself to the possibility of meeting people online I would have never of met my loving husband of now 12 years. You do have to be VERY careful who and what you tell people however...
  11. PrideKidd

    Hey, Y'all!

    Hello Diane and Welcome to the Forum! Everyone here seems very nice and friendly so you will have no trouble fitting in here. There are a wide variety of topics to post on here from the Breaking news to the friendly off topic conversations. Again welcome to the forum and see you in future posts.
  12. PrideKidd

    Couple Arrested After Meth Lab Explosion

    I can not believe they would cook meth with a baby in the house let alone cook it at all. I can understand being a drug addict since I was one myself at one point but "cooking" meth? and around a child? I believe they should go away for a long time and the baby put in foster care or the care of...
  13. PrideKidd

    Would you turn a loved one in?

    I would like to think the best of myself and say for certain I could just turn my family in. (unless your Aunt Becky, then your def. going down lol :P) If it were to protect me like someone was trying to hurt my loved ones or myself and that was the only option then do not know...
  14. PrideKidd

    What would you like to be remembered for?

    Well this is an interesting one for me because I sued my home town high school when I was a teenager, and won! For nearly six years I was literally beaten so bad I had to go to the hospital a few times. I was stalked, harassed, mentally abused, had house spray painted and vandalized, all because...
  15. PrideKidd

    Will you go to Mars?

    I have always loved looking up at the stars and wishing I could see more of the universe. Given the chance, as long as I could take my Husband, I would pack up right now and go. I know that almost sounds like a child wanting to run away with the circus but I would love to see outer space and...
  16. PrideKidd

    Death penalty

    I would like to have hope that everyone decides whether they believe one way or another about the death penalty on their own. It would and is a sad day when a certain group of people try sway people into joining a collective thought. Everyone deserves to have their own opinion. I guess you...
  17. PrideKidd

    Hi everyone

    Welcome Thegray1 This place is cool, not only do you get to post on some interesting topics but there is a wealth of knowledge here if you sift through it all. The people are very nice and it seems that there is always something new to post about. I hope to learn from you as well friend. :)
  18. PrideKidd

    Hello from Poland.

    Hello Again Lizel :) Welcome to another forum I frequent. This is another cool forum to hang out in and shoot the breeze, as well as, talk about topics of importance. Again Welcome, and see you in the forums!
  19. PrideKidd

    If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?

    I would probably want to have lunch with the Golden Girls would make the top of my list. During my down and out times they always seemed to make me laugh especially Sophia. In olden time I would like to have lunch with Leonardo Da Vinci just to admire his work & some pointers on art and other...
  20. PrideKidd

    Do You Trust Your Local Law Enforcement?

    Hello everyone, thought I would take a second to gauge peoples reactions to the above question "Do you trust your local law enforcement" I know that some of us have a hard time with polite law enforcement, but on a whole do you trust them? Please explain. :)