Will you go to Mars?


Well-Known Member
I am really curious about the planned explorations to Mars. I heard that some companies are looking for private citizens to train, so they can take that proverbial trip to the Red Planet. Regardless if this is true or not, given the chance, will you go there? Of course, a trip back to the Earth won't be assured. Will you still go?


Active Member
Maybe, its a suicidal mission but for the sake of finding a habitat in there, some people will choose to go maybe, would it be beneficial for us who live in the earth if they find mars actually can sustain life? maybe, Our technology is still limited, We can not explore the galaxy yet, it's complicated matter, so my answer is just maybe.


Well-Known Member
Yes I think I would go I have realized that some opportunities only occur once in a life time. I have passed over so many opportunities in my life that I am in a place where I would grab it if it comes my way. Life is a risk; I have read so many stories of people who have been shot in their own bed by a random bullet or a crazy spouse. Where do I sign up?


Well-Known Member
Never, I do not think I would take a trip to that planet, for some reason, I do believe that there is a reason we were placed on planet earth, so I would not take the chance, its like starting life all over again, we do not know if there is phone or internet network available, drinking water, and just the whole thing would be very strange.


Well-Known Member
It is a dream for some to visit MARS,and i do not want to spoil their dreams..:p..Lolz..I wouldn't go there if i am not assured of a return trip.I value life and wouldn't risk it just for visiting a planet and checking out if life is possible there.


Well-Known Member
Who knows what explorers will find on Mars. Creatures which live underground? Alien space stations? Or something worse? I wonder why they can't explore 95% of the ocean which hasn't been mapped before embarking on such a risky venture. Lots of things could go wrong . . . mass alien abductions for example. I'd rather stay on the earth I know rather than go to some red planet I know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like it could be exciting, but I think I'd have to pass on the invitation. I don't know what percentage of assurance they could give in making a safe return home.


Active Member
I would definitely go, were it not for purely commercial reasons! I would hate to be responsible for a headline that would read "Coca-cola brings man to Mars" or anything similar. To go to Mars as workforce for a year or so would be the grand adventure of my life until now and I am sure many people here could say the same for themselves. It's not like a lot of activities on Earth can compare to space travel!


Well-Known Member
I will not go. I will stick it out here as I am already half way through my life. If travel to other planets became more frequent and we managed to travel to other galaxies, I might go. However, I do not believe that there is life on Mars and neither can we live there.


Well-Known Member
They recently narrowed it down to 100 people and will now be training to narrow it down to the last 24 (I think?). I would absolutely love love love to go, but would absolutely hate hate hate to be the first. I honestly don't see how it's possible for them to survive long and I guarantee, not all of them will. Once all is settled and safe though, absolutely! But only if I can bring my family.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for exploration, but not interested in space unless it is in a movie theater or on television. Maybe people want some fame, but they will never get to see it or use it. I don't know what kind of person would want to go, but people with responsibilities to others here shouldn't even consider it.


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly they stated it was a guarantee they wouldn't be coming back. I would if I could. If they told me I could start an entirely new life on a new planet & not have to do the dishes? Yes. No, but seriously it's a tough decision to leave your life & go to a planet that's never been explored before. I imagine the likelihood of death is pretty darn high.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that it would be the most amazing opportunity ever. But I still think that there's plenty of living for me on earth first! Although you would be a trailblazer, you would certainly not be coming back and that's what you would have to accept if you signed up for such a trip at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely want to visit Mars too, but just a visit, I don't want to stay and live there for the rest of my life. I kind of feel bad and somehow envy those volunteers who are chosen to build a colony and experience living in Mars. Just the idea of never seeing my friends and family again makes me pretty anxious. I won't last a week there.


Active Member
I have always loved looking up at the stars and wishing I could see more of the universe. Given the chance, as long as I could take my Husband, I would pack up right now and go. I know that almost sounds like a child wanting to run away with the circus but I would love to see outer space and beyond. As long as I have my husband, I do not need Earth, rather Earth Needs Me. :)


Active Member
I would love to go to mars, mainly because I want to see and land on another planet besides earth. It would make me feel like maybe I'm not just living a lie all this time, and that earth and everything else they talk about is real and not just make believe.